Garagenaufgang zwischen dem AD und D4 Gebäude

After the extreme weather – before the transformation


In the wake of severe floodings in Austria, Stefanie Peer contributed to a press conference at Presseclub Concordia, organzied by Scientists for Future:

In the wake of severe floodings in Austria, Stefanie Peer contributed to a press conference at Presseclub Concordia, organzied by Scientists for Future: “Sealed surfaces significantly amplify the effects of extreme weather events like heavy rainfall and heatwaves. A large portion of these sealed areas is attributed to transport infrastructure. In Austria, 30% of human-used land (excluding agriculture and forestry) is dedicated to transport infrastructure, primarily for roads, with three-quarters of it being sealed. The prevailing trend still leans towards addressing growing traffic—mainly due to urban sprawl—by expanding or building new roads. However, this approach proves ineffective in the medium and long term. Traffic congestion often returns to previous levels within a few years of road expansion, as it encourages more car use and further sprawl ("induced traffic"). To break this cycle, stronger land-use planning laws and better use of existing planning tools are needed. Additionally, policy measures must be implemented to make car ownership and use less attractive, while promoting alternative modes of transportation.” The press conference received ample press coverage (e.g., ORF, Die Presse, Der Standard, Krone).

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