Supervisors and Research Topics
Consumption and society
Sociology of sustainable development
Sustainable consumption
Energy and social inequality
Socio-ecological transformation
Theories of economic action (including institutional, behavioural and neuro-economics)
Sociology of money and debt relations
Development of capitalism (from industrial to financial capitalism), varieties of capitalism (in national and regional comparison)
Types of solidarity in modern societies (national and transnational)
Societal conditions and consequences of economic integration (Europeanization, globalisation)
Transformations of the welfare state (from welfare to workfare and debtfare)
The role of law in the market society (free contracts, legal personhood, private property, commodification), transnational law
Questions of global sustainable development and an interdisciplinary Sustainability Science
Social structure analysis
Topics regarding social inequality (e.g. educational and income inequality; poverty; precarisation and de-standardisation)
Labour market and professions
Development of low wages in national and historical comparison
The phenomena of ‘Working Poor’ in Europe
Gender inequality (e.g. occupational gender segregation)
Sociological perspectives of science at universities
Quantitative and qualitative methods of empirical research
Industrial and post-industrial work organisation and control of work; case studies of selected sectors and branches, e.g. automotive and textile industry; services in care and trade; knowledge work
Employment policy; regular and atypical employment; precarisation
Skill requirements and formation of subjectivity at work
Implementation of technology, digital work, social robotics
Socioeconomic perspectives on inequality
Managing diversity in companies, dimensions of cultural diversity (gender, race, age, disability)
Economic-sociological analysis of institutions such as markets, organisations or companies, wage labour, social networks;
Individual and society: theoretical and empirical research (e.g. identity and biographies of various social groups)
Empirical qualitative methods and their (partial) application in studies – regarding selected qualitative survey and evaluation methods (e.g. interviews, field research)
Gerontology (e.g. old-age poverty, urban and rural differences, intergenerational relations, networks
Social Inequality (e.g. educational disadvantages, income and wealth inequality, precarisation, social problems)
Social diagnoses (e.g. individualisation hypothesis, accelerated society, event society, knowledge society)
Acceleration of society through digitalization? Reflections on Hartmut Rosa
Social relations as figurations determined by power (Norbert Elias)
On the importance of knowledge - theories on a basic category
Transitions in the life course: from studies to work
Fascination field research - ethnographic methods in (classical) studies
Research on creative industry (studies on selective branches such as art market, and career paths, working and living conditions of creative individuals)
Hidden preconditions of success in classical music business
Musicians – conformist top athletes or creative individualists?
Sense and non-sense of competition in music business
Exchange processes (market, gifts, donations)
Cultural sociology
Consumption and social inequality
Products and their meaning
Economic Sociology
Sociology of Money and Inflation
Sociology of Central Banks
Financial capitalism & Sociology of Finance
History of Economic Thought, Sociological Theory in historical perspective
In general, empirical theses relying on quantitative and qualitative methods, including small collections of primary data
Analysis of specific research questions using data sets of social science (secondary data analysis), e.g. EVS, WVS, EuroStat, ESS
Recent literature regarding operationalisation of complex concepts and questionnaire method
Xenophobia, racism and group related misanthropy – theoretical, empirical and practical perspectives
Satisfaction of bachelor students at Austrian universities
Globalisation theories
Recent aspects of research on populism
Aspects of interaction (theory of the individual, multiple selves, ritualised forms of interaction, social structure and social identity)
Sociological research of work
Work and gender
Concepts of work (work/leisure; paid/unpaid work)
Employment and working conditions in service sectors (especially cleaning sector, care sector)
Reproductive work (domestic work, care)
Care (e.g. concepts of care, working conditions in the care sector, family carers, childcare)
Concepts of work-life balance (work-life balance, reconciliation of employment and domestic work, work and life)
Interpretive theories (sociology of knowledge, social constructivism, symbolic interactionism)
Interpretive social research, qualitative research methods
Best practice of civil society involvement in refugee support
Best practice of cooperation between politics and civil society in relation to climate activism
Radical versus moderate - attributions, conflicts and success factors of social movements
Civil society involvement in the care of Ukrainian refugees
Development of the climate movement in Austria
Management of non-profit organizations
Current developments in organizations
Social inequality and its specific effects in the corona crisis