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The Possibilist Survey 2025: Collaboration between ChancemakerXchange and The Social Entrepreneurship Centre


“The Possibilists” is an alliance of the world's largest support networks for young innovators initiated by ChangemakerXchange. As part of the alliance, a global study is being conducted for the third time to gain a better and data-driven understanding of the needs and challenges of young social innovators.

The Social Entrepreneurship Center is supporting the survey for the second time as a scientific partner and is assisting with the creation of survey content and data analysis, among other things. The survey will take place until April 6 and can be completed here: The 2025 Possibilists survey.

Aim of the survey: 

In the last survey round, 1656 people from 135 countries took part. The results were published in a open access report and disseminated via various channels. The report provides exciting insights into the fields of activity of young innovators and also makes recommendations for decision-makers at various levels. It can be downloaded here: https://thepossibilists.org/2023-study/.


Dr. Peter Vandor

Peter Vandor

Head of Social Entrepreneurship Center, Senior Researcher
Responsibilities: Co-founder and Head of the Social Entrepreneurship Center. Research: Social entrepreneurship, migrant entrepreneurship, mental wellbeing and internationalisation among social entrepreneurs, civil society in CEE Founder of Social Impact Award.
Fabian Hobodites, MSc (WU)

Fabian Hobodites

Research Assistant
Responsibilities: His main research projects are the European Social Enterprise Monitor Austria (ESEM) a project on migrant entrepreneurship and the Impact Hub survey