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Annual Honorary Zilk Lecture presented by Univ.Prof. Dr. Renate Meyer

The annual lecture series is organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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WU Alumni Future Talks 2021 Conference: Panel on “Innovation and Public Administration”

Tobias Polzer moderated a panel on “Innovation and Public Administration” at the “WU Alumni Future Talks 2021”. This year’s edition of the alumni conference focused on the overall topic of…

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Presentation on “Organising Public Sector Innovation” at OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Workshop

The workshop on 11 May 2021 discussed aspects of “Enhancement-oriented Innovation”.

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New publication on the “Gender-responsive budgeting in Austria: The narrow line between implementation and confirmation”

Tobias Polzer, together with Johann Seiwald, has published an article in Public Money & Management.

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New publication on the "Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Europe"

Tobias Polzer, together with Giuseppe Grossi and Christoph Reichard, has published an article in Accounting Forum.

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Elena Bruni selected as runner-up for the 2021 OMT Best Symposium Award

We are delighted to report that the Academy of Management’s Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Research Committee has selected Elena Bruni and Lianne Lefsrud (University of Alberta) as runner-up…

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NGO Day 2021 on Digitalisation co-organised by Tobias Polzer

Workshop discussing NGO Performance, Governance and Accountability in the Era of Digitalisation

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New publication on "Conceptualising performance measurement in hybrid public sector organisations"

“A little bit of everything?” Tobias Polzer, together with Lode De Waele, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, and Liselore Berghman, has published an article in the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting &…

Wolfgang Lalouschek

ÖVO-Dialog: "Die gesunde Organisation" mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lalouschek

Vortrag: 03.03., 18:00 Uhr | virtuell über MS Teams

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New publication in "Urban Studies"

Martin Kornberger, Renate Meyer, and Markus Höllerer on "Exploring the long-term effect of strategy work: The case of Sustainable Sydney 2030"