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Disability Equality Act

The NPO Competence Center, in cooperation with Contrast Management Consulting, carried out the evaluation of the implementation of the Federal Disability Equality Package.

This package includes: the Federal Disability Equality Act and those provisions of the Disability Employment Act that regulate protection against discrimination in the world of work, the Federal Disability Act, in particular the Disability Ombudsperson, the constitutional recognition of sign language, the Federal Disability Equality Accompanying Act and other federal laws that eliminated discriminatory provisions.

The evaluation was guided in particular by the following question:

  • What effects does the Disability Equality Package have on people with disabilities, their relatives and conciliation partners in the world of work and in daily life?

  • Were the objectives of the Federal Disability Equality Package achieved with the new regulations or is there a need for change?

The implementation of the project was based on a detailed analysis of relevant documents as well as interviews with affected persons and relevant decision makers. The data obtained were evaluated in several stages.

Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Christian Grünhaus

Christian Grünhaus

Academic Director, Senior Researcher (prev. Schober)
Responsibilities: Work and research focus: Evaluation, SROI analyzes, financing, donation behavior, job satisfaction and motivation, care for the elderly, care for the disabled and accessibility
Mag.rer.soc.oec. Selma Sprajcer

Selma Sprajcer

Responsibilities: Disability and accessibility issues, volunteering, civil society, scientific monitoring of projects