Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude


Head of the Institute

Assoc. Prof. Doz. Dr. Novy, Andreas Assoc. Prof. Doz. Dr. Novy, Andreas

Assoc. Prof. Doz. Dr. Novy, Andreas

Head of the Institute, member of the Evaluation Committee of the University of Economics and Business

Univ.Prof. Spash, Clive, PhD

Univ.Prof. Spash, Clive, PhD

Deputy Head of the Institute



... in alphabetical order

Dr. Corinna Dengler

Dr. Corinna Dengler

Postdoc / Assistant Professor (non-tenure track)

Olivia Hinz, BSc (WU)

Olivia Hinz, BSc (WU)

Teaching Assistant

Philipp Nicolas Lutz, MSc (WU)

Philipp Nicolas Lutz, MSc (WU)

Stefanie Peer

Stefanie Peer

Head of the Research Institute for Spatial and Real Estate Economics

Research Associates

PhD students

Please find here our current PhD students...