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Tödtling Franz, Dr.

WU Vienna University of Economics
Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development
Welthandelsplatz 1/D4
1020 Vienna, Austria

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Franz Tödtling is retired Professor (a.o.) at the Institute for Multi-level Governance and Development. His main research areas include urban & regional development, clusters, innovation systems, and the knowledge economy from a spatial perspective. He has been engaged in a number of European and international research projects and –networks, and is member of the Editorial Board of several international scientific journals. Franz Tödtling is well known for his publications in professional journals and volumes. Publications include co-authored books on Regional Innovation Systems and on Regional Knowledge Economies, as well the “Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth” (Edward Elgar), which eh co-edited with Philip Cooke and colleagues. Franz Tödtling also edited several Special Issues in journals such as European Planning Studies and European Urban & Regional Studies and contributed a large number of partly highly cited articles in professional journals.

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You can find the full publication list here...

Book (monograph)

2008 Cooke, Philip, DeLaurentis, Carla, Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2008. Regional Knowledge Economies. Read more
2000 Tödtling, Franz. 2000. The Governance of Innovation in Europe - Regional Perspectives on Global Competitiveness. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz. 1997. Die Neue Industrielandschaft Österreichs. Read more
1996 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1996. Regional- und Stadtökonomik 2 - Regionalentwicklung und Regionalpolitik. Read more
1996 Tödtling, Franz. 1996. Regionale Industriepolitik für Österreich. Read more
1994 Tödtling, Franz. 1994. Regionale Netzwerke in der Greater Boston Region. Read more
1992 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1992. Regional- und Stadtökonomik 1 - Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz. 1990. Räumliche Differenzierung betrieblicher Innovation - Erklärungsansätze und empirische Befunde für Österreich. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz. 1990. Innovations- und Technologietransferzentren als Instrumente einer regionalen Industriepolitik in Österreich. Read more
1988 Tödtling, Franz. 1988. Industrieller Strukturwandel und Regionalpolitik - Regionale Unterschiede in der betrieblichen Innovationstätigkeit und regionalpolitische Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Read more
1983 Tödtling, Franz. 1983. Organisatorischer Status von Betrieben und Arbeitsplatzqualität in peripheren und entwicklungsschwachen Gebieten Österreichs. Read more

Chapter in edited volume

2023 Novy, Andreas, Kubeczko, Klaus, Haderer, Margarete, Bärnthaler, Richard, Brand, Ulrich, Brudermann, Thomas, Daniel, Antje, Exner, Andreas, Getzner, Michael, Görg, Christoph, Jonas, Michael, Ohndorf, Markus, Michael, Ornetzeder, Plank, Leonhard, Schinko, Thomas, Schlitz, Nicolas, Strüver, Anke, Tödtling, Franz. 2023. Kapitel 24. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen In: APCC Special Report. Hrsg. Görg, Christoph, Madner, Verena, Muhar, Andreas, Novy, Andreas, Posch, Alfred, Steininger, Karl W., Aigner, Ernst. Read more
2023 Novy, Andreas, Haderer, Margarete, Kubeczko, Klaus, Aigner, Ernest, Bärnthaler, Richard, Brand, Ulrich, Brudermann, Thomas, Daniel, Antje, Exner, Andreas, Fankhauser, Julia, Getzner, Michael, Görg, Christoph, Jonas, Michael, Ohndorf, Markus, Michael, Ornetzeder, Plank, Leonhard, Schinko, Thomas, Schlitz, Nicolas, Strüver, Anke, Tödtling, Franz. 2023. Perspektiven zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Strukturen klimafreundlichen Lebens In: APCC Special Report. Hrsg. Görg , Christoph , Madner , Verena , Muhar , Andreas , Novy , Andreas , Posch , Alfred , Steininger , Karl W. , Aigner , Ernest . Read more
2023 Kubeczko, Klaus, Tödtling, Franz, Michael, Ornetzeder, Novy, Andreas, Fankhauser, Julia, Exner, Andreas. 2023. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen: Innovationsperspektive In: APCC Special Report: Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben . Hrsg. Görg, Christoph, Madner, Verena, Muhar, Andreas, Novy, Andreas, Posch, Alfred, Steininger, Karl W., Aigner, Ernest. Read more
2021 Tödtling, Franz, Auer, Alexander. 2021. Knowledge bases, innovation and multi-scalar relationships - Which kind of territorial boundedness of industrial clusters? In: The Globalization of Regional Clusters: Between Localization and Internationalization. Hrsg. Fornahl, Dirk und Grashof, Nils. Read more
2020 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Frangenheim, Alexandra. 2020. Place-specific policies for green regional development In: A New European Industrial Strategy. Hrsg. Cappellin, Riccardo, et al. Read more
2020 Tödtling, Franz, Auer, Alexander Michael. 2020. Knowledge bases, innovation and multiscalar relationships - Which kind of territorial boundedness of industrial clusters? In: Regional Clusters in a Global World - Between localization and internationalization advantages. Hrsg. Fornahl, Dirk, et al. Read more
2019 Tödtling, Franz. 2019. Michael Polanyi - Von der physikalischen Chemie zur Philosophie des Wissens In: Karl Polanyi - Wiederentdeckung eines Jahrhundertdenkers. Hrsg. Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Marterbauer, Markus; Novy, Andreas; Thurnherr, Armin. Read more
2018 Isaksen, Arne, Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2018. Innovation policies for regional structural change In: New Avenues for Regional Innovation Systems. Hrsg. Isaksen, A., Martin, R., Trippl, M. Read more
2018 Tödtling, Franz, Isaksen, Arne, Trippl, Michaela. 2018. Regions and Clusters in the Global Economy In: Handbook Geographies of Globalisations. Hrsg. Kloosterman, R., Mamadouh, V. and Terhorst, P. Read more
2017 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2017. Networking and project organization in the styrian automotive industry In: Proximity, Distance and Diversity. Hrsg. Lagendijk, Arnoud, Oinas, Päivi. Read more
2017 Tödtling, Franz, Sinozic, Tanja, Auer, Alexander. 2017. Driving factors for cluster evolution: A multi-scalar comparative perspective In: Unfolding Cluster Evolution. Hrsg. Belussi, F. and J.-L- Hervas Oliver. Read more
2017 Auer, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2017. Are policies supporting cluster development? A comparative firm-level analysis In: Cluster Policies from a Cluster Life Cycle Perspective. Hrsg. Fornahl, D. and Hassink, R. Read more
2016 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2016. How do firms acquire knowledge in different sectoral and regional contexts? In: Handbook of Geography of Innovation. Hrsg. Carrincazeaux, Ch., D. Doloreux and R. Shearmur. Read more
2013 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2013. Innovation and knowledge links in metropolitan regions: the case of Vienna In: Metropolitan regions: preconditions and strategies for growth and development in the global economy. Hrsg. Johan Klaesson, Börje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson and Roger R. Stough. Read more
2013 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz, Schuldner, René. 2013. Creative and cultural industries in Austria In: Creative industries and innovation in Europe. Hrsg. Luzziana Lazzeretti. Read more
2013 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2013. Transformation of regional innovation systems: From old legacies to new development paths In: Reframing Regional Development. Hrsg. Philip Cooke. Read more
2012 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2012. Regionale Innovationssysteme In: Innovationsbiographien. Hrsg. Anna Butzin, Dieter Rehfeld, Brigitte Widmaier. Read more
2012 Tödtling, Franz, Höglinger, Christoph, Grillitsch, Markus. 2012. Knowledge relations and innovation from a regional perspective In: Networks, Space and Competitiveness - Evolving Challenges for Sustainable Growth. Hrsg. Capello, Roberta and Denthino, Tomaz Ponze. Read more
2011 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2011. Regional Innovation Systems In: Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Hrsg. P. Cooke, B. Asheim, R. Boschma, R. Martin, D. Schwartz and F. Tödtling. Read more
2011 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Regionale Innovationssysteme und Wissenstransfer im Spannungsfeld unterschiedlicher Näheformen In: Neue Formen der Wissensarbeit. Hrsg. Oliver Ibert und Hans-Joachim Kujath. Read more
2011 Schwartz, Dafna, Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Introduction (Part VI) In: Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Read more
2011 Cooke, Philip, Tödtling, Franz, Schwartz, Dafna. 2011. Introduction (Part II) In: Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Read more
2011 Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Endogenous approaches to local and regional development policy In: Handbook of Local and Regional Development. Hrsg. Andy Pike, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney. Read more
2011 Cooke, Philip, Asheim, Bjørn, Boschma, Ron, Martin, Ron, Schwartz, Dafna, Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Introduction to the handbook of regional innovation and growth In: Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Read more
2010 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2010. Innovation and the Pattern of Knowledge Sourcing in the Vienna Software Cluster In: Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Hrsg. David Doloreux, Mark Freel and Richard Shearmur. Read more
2009 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2009. The Biotech Cluster of Vienna, Austria In: Clusters, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Hrsg. OECD. Read more
2009 Tödtling, Franz. 2009. Endogenous Regional Development In: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 9. Hrsg. Kitchin, R., Thrift, N. Read more
2008 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2008. Cluster renewal in old industrial regions: continuity or radical change? In: Handbook of Research on Clusters. Hrsg. Karlsson, Ch. Read more
2007 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2007. Schlüsselfaktoren wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung: Neue Technologien, Wissen und Innovationssysteme In: Unternehmen aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (2. Auflage 2009). Hrsg. Schülein, Johann August, Manfred Lueger, Hubert Hametner. Read more
2005 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2005. Networking and Project Organization in the Styrian Automotive Industry In: Lagendijk, A., Oinas, P., Proximity, Distance and Diversity, Ashgate, Aldershot, 89-107 2005. Read more
2003 Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2003. Innovation patterns of SMEs In: Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Entreprises, 78-115, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA, USA 2003. Read more
2003 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2003. Networking and project organization in the Styrian automotive industry In: Innovations, Regions and Projects. 89-114, Nordregio, Stockholm 2003. Read more
2002 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2002. Innovation Networks in Reconversion Regions - The Case of Styria. In: R. MacNaughton und M. Green (Eds.), Global Competition and Local Networks In: Global Competition and Local Networks Ashgate, Aldershot. 2002. Read more
2002 Tödtling, Franz. 2002. Innovation networks in reconversion regions - The case of Styria In: Global Competition and Local Networks. Hrsg. McNaughton, Rod B., Green, Milford B. Read more
2001 Tödtling, Franz. 2001. Industrial Clusters and Cluster Policies in Austrian Regions In: Policies - Cluster Development. Nordregio Report 2001, 2, 59-78 2001. Read more
1999 Tödtling, Franz. 1999. Innovation, Raumstruktur und Internationalisierungsstrategien In: Internationale Unternehmensstrategien und nationale Standortpolitik. 151-161, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 1999. Read more
1998 Tödtling, Franz. 1998. Regionale Innovationssysteme - ein Ansatz der Regionalpolitik bei veränderten Rahmenbedingungen In: Re-Engineering der Österreichischen Industriepolitik. 52-75, Wien 1998. Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. The New Flexible Economy: Shaping Regional and Local Institutions for Global Competition In: Technological Innovation, Economic Development and Space. Springer, Heidelberg, 276-294 1995. Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. The Innovation Process from a Spatial Perspective: Local Milieu and Global Networks In: The Industrial Enterprise and its Environment-Geographical Perspectives, Avebury, 171-193 1995. Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. Netzwerke als neues Paradigma der Regionalentwicklung In: Europäische Netzwerke für die Regionalentwicklung. Forschungsberichte des Österreichischen Instituts für Raumplanung, 9-22, Wien 1995. Read more
1994 Tödtling, Franz. 1994. The uneven landscape of innovation poles: Local embeddedness and global networks In: Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe. Hrsg. Amin, Ash and Thrift, Nigel. Read more
1993 Tödtling, Franz. 1993. Firm Networks and Technological Innovation in the Vienna Region In: Réseaux d'innovation et milieux innovateurs: un pari pour le dévelopment régional, GREMI, EDES, Neuchatel, 209-230 1993. Read more
1991 Tödtling, Franz. 1991. Spatial Differation of Innovation - Locational and Structural Factors: Results of an Austrian Study In: Regions Reconsidered: Networks, Innovation, and Local Development in Industrialized Countries. London, Mansell, 215-239 1991. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz. 1990. Regional Differences and Determinants of Entrepreneurial Innovation - Empirical Results of an Austrian Case Study In: Technological Change In a Spatial Context-Theory, Empirical Evidence and Policy, Springer, Heidelberg, 260-284 1990. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz. 1990. Betriebliche Reorganisation und regionale Industrie-Entwicklung bei veränderten Rahmenbedingungen 1973-81 in Österreich In: Mitteilungen des Arbeitskreises für Regionalforschung, 20, 1-3, 7-27 1990. Read more
1988 Tödtling, Franz. 1988. Regionale Betriebsstruktur und Innovation: Eine Untersuchung der Zusammenhänge am Beispiel österreichischer Regionen In: Seminarberichte der Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung, 24, 249-278, Heidelberg 1988. Read more
1987 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1987. The International Division of Labor and Industrial Change in Austrian Regions In: Muegge, H., Stöhr, W.: International Economic Restructuring and the Regional Community. 218-250, Aldershot, Avebury 1987. Read more
1986 Tödtling, Franz. 1986. Austrian Trade Unions in the Period of Economic Crisis In: Unions in Crisis and Beyond-Perspectives from Six Countries, Abourn House, Aldershot, 227-268 1986. Read more
1986 Tödtling, Franz, Stöhr, Walter. 1986. Spatial Equity: Some Antitheses to Current Regional Development Doctrine In: Division of Labour, Specialization and Technical Change, Liber: Lund 1986. Read more
1985 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1985. Betriebs- und Arbeitsmarktentwicklung in österreichischen Regionen in der Periode der Wachstumsverlangsamung In: Krise und Krisenbewältigung: Sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Krisenforschung. 241-267, Orac-Verlag, Wien 1985. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Organisatorischer Status von Betrieben und regionale Innovationsdisparitäten in Österreich In: Regionale Innovationsprozesse und Innovationspolitik, Verlag Ruegger, Diessenhofen, 159-180 1984. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Ausmaß und Ursachen regionaler Innovationsdisparitäten - Eine Bilanzierung In: Regionale Innovationsprozesse und Innovationspolitik, Verlag Ruegger, Diessenhofen, 217-227 1984. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Regionale Unterschiede der Betriebs- und Arbeitsplatzstruktur in Österreich und ihre Beziehungen zur österreichischen Regionalpolitik In: Regionale Innovationsprozesse und Innovationspolitik, Verlag Ruegger, Diessenhofen 1984. Read more
1984 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Quantitative, qualitative, and structural variables in the evaluation of Regional Development Policies in Western Europe In: Regional Development and Policies in Eastern and Western Europe, Beckenham, Croom Helm 1984. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Multiregionale Unternehmungen und räumliche Arbeitsteilung in Österreich In: Regionalökonomische Analysen für Österreich, Orac-Verlag, Wien, 53-71 1984. Read more
1982 Tödtling, Franz, Stöhr, Walter. 1982. Quantitative, qualitative und strukturelle Aspekte der Regionalpolitik aus europäischer Sicht In: Erfolgskontrolle raumwirksamer Politikbereiche, Verlag Ruegger, Diessenhofen, 45-6 1982. Read more
1979 Tödtling, Franz, Stöhr, Walter. 1979. Spatial Equity: Some Antitheses to Current Regional Development Doctrine In: Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development, Martinus Nijhoff Publishing Company, Boston 1979. Read more
1978 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1978. Spatial Equity: Some Antitheses to Current Regional Development Doctrine In: Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development. Revised version, Nijhoff, Leiden 1978. Read more
1978 Tödtling, Franz, Stöhr, Walter. 1978. An Evaluation of Regional Policies - Experiences in Market and Mixed Economies In: Human Settlement Systems - International Perspectives on Structure, Changes and Public Policy, Ballinger, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 85-119 1978. Read more
1977 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1977. Evaluation of Regional Policies: Experiences in Market & Mixed Economies In: Human Settlement Systems, Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Mass. 1977. Read more

Journal article

2021 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Tesch, Veronika. 2021. New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges. Read more
2021 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Desch, Veronika. 2021. New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges. Read more
2020 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Frangenheim, Alexandra. 2020. Policy options for green regional development: adopting a production and application perspective. Read more
2019 Grillitsch, Markus, Rekers, Josephine V., Tödtling, Franz. 2019. When drivers of clusters shift scale from local towards global: What remains for regional innovation policy?. Read more
2018 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2018. Regional Innovation Policies for New Path Development – Beyond Neoliberal and Traditional Systemic Views. Read more
2015 Sinozic, Tanja, Tödtling, Franz. 2015. Adaptation and Change in Creative Clusters. Read more
2015 Tödtling, Franz, Grillitsch, Markus. 2015. Does Combinatorial Knowledge Lead to a Better Innovation Performance of Firms?. Read more
2015 Sinozic, Tanja, Tödtling, Franz. 2015. Adaptation and Change in Creative Clusters: Findings from Vienna's New Media Sector. Read more
2015 Grillitsch, Markus, Tödtling, Franz, Höglinger, Christoph. 2015. Variety in Knowledge Sourcing, geography and innovation: Evidence from the ICT sector in Austria. Read more
2014 Tödtling, Franz, Grillitsch, Markus. 2014. Types of Innovation, Competencies of Firms, and External Knowledge Sourcing-Findings from Selected Sectors and Regions of Europe. Read more
2014 Tödtling, Franz, Höglinger, Christoph, Sinozic, Tanja, Auer, Alexander. 2014. Factors for the Emergence and Growth of Environmental Technology Industries in Upper Austria. Read more
2013 Tödtling, Franz, Skokan, Karel, Höglinger, Christoph, Rumpel, Petr, Grillitsch, Markus. 2013. Innovation and knowledge sourcing of modern sectors in old industrial regions: Comparing software firms in Moravia Silesia and Upper Austria. Read more
2013 Tödtling, Franz, Asheim, Björn, Boschma, Ron. 2013. Knowledge sourcing, innovation anc constructing advantage in regions of Europe. Read more
2012 Tödtling, Franz, Grillitsch, Markus, Höglinger, Christoph. 2012. Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation in Austrian ICT companies: How does Geography matter?. Read more
2011 Tödtling, Franz, Lengauer, Lukas, Höglinger, Christoph. 2011. Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation in "thick" and "thin" regional innovation systems: Comparing ICT firms in two Austrian regions. Read more
2011 Asheim, Bjørn T., Moodysson, Jerker, Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Constructing regional advantage. Read more
2011 Tödtling, Franz, Schneider, Roland, Grillitsch, Markus, Höglinger, Christoph. 2011. Constructing Regional Advantage in the Austrian ICT sector: Towards fine tuned innovation policies?. Read more
2011 Lengauer, Lukas, Tödtling, Franz, Nußmüller, Eva. 2011. Regionale Einbettung und regionales Engagement von Unternehmen. Read more
2011 Tödtling, Franz, Prod'Homme van Reine, Peter, Dörhöfer, Steffen. 2011. Open innovation and regional culture - Findings from different industrial and regional settings. Read more
2009 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz, Lengauer, Lukas. 2009. Knowledge Sourcing Beyond Buzz and Pipelines: Evidence from the Vienna Software Cluster. Read more
2009 Tödtling, Franz, Lehner, Patrick, Kaufmann, Alexander. 2009. Do different types of innovation rely on specific kinds of knowledge interactions?. Read more
2008 Tödtling, Franz, Lengauer, Lukas, Trippl, Michaela. 2008. Start-ups and innovation in the Vienna ICT sector: how important is the local cluster?. Read more
2008 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2008. From the ivory tower to the market place: Knowledge Organisations in the Development of Biotechnology Clusters. Read more
2007 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2007. Wirtschaftliche Verflechtungen in der Centrope-Region: Theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde. Read more
2007 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2007. Developing biotechnology clusters in non-high technology regions – The case of Austria. Read more
2007 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2007. Knowledge Links in High-Technology Industries: Markets, Networks, or Milieu? The Case of the Vienna Biotechnology Cluster. Read more
2006 Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz, Lehner, Patrick. 2006. Interneteinsatz und die räumliche Struktur von Innovationsnetzwerken - Untersucht am Beispiel österreichischer Unternehmen. Read more
2006 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Lehner, Patrick. 2006. Wissensbasierte Sektoren in Österreich: räumliche Struktur und Entwicklungstrends. Read more
2006 Tödtling, Franz, Lehner, Patrick, Trippl, Michaela. 2006. Innovation in knowledge intensive industries: The nature and geography of knowledge links. Read more
2005 Tödtling, Franz. 2005. Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Genese und Wandel des Clusterkonzeptes. Read more
2005 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2005. One size fits all? Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach. Read more
2004 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2004. Like Phoenix from the Ashes? The Renewal of Clusters in Old Industrial Areas. Read more
2003 Vanas, Herta, Tödtling, Franz. 2003. Regional differences in structural characteristics of start-ups. Read more
2003 Kaufmann, A., Lehner, P., Tödtling, F. 2003. Effects of the Internet on the spatial structure of innovation networks. Read more
2003 Tödtling, Franz. 2003. Industrielle Cluster als regionale Innovationsmotoren?. Read more
2002 Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2002. How effective is innovation support for SMEs? An analysis of the region of Upper Austria. Read more
2002 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 2002. SMEs in Regional Innovation Systems and the Role of Innovation Support - The Case of Upper Austria. Read more
2001 Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2001. Science-industry interaction in the process of innovation. Read more
2001 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 2001. The role of the region for innovation activities of SMEs. Read more
2000 Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2000. Systems of innovation in traditional industrial regions. Read more
2000 Vanas, Herta, Tödtling, Franz. 2000. Regionale Unterschiede von Unternehmensgründungen - Empirische Befunde für Österreich. Read more
2000 Tödtling, Franz. 2000. Regionale Innovationssysteme im europäischen Vergleich. Ergebnisse des REGIS-Projektes. Read more
1999 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 1999. Innovation systems in regions of Europe-a comparative perspective. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz. 1997. Strategic reactions of firms in austrian regions to change in central and Eastern Europe. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 1997. Regionale Innovationssysteme in traditionellen Industrieregionen. Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung in der Region Steiermark. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz. 1997. Opening of Eastern Europe: Challenges and Strategic Reactions of Firms in Austrian Regions. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz, Sedlacek, Sabine. 1997. Regional economic transformation and the innovation system of Styria. Read more
1996 Tödtling, Franz. 1996. Neue Formen industrieller Netzwerke und ihre Wirkungen im Raum. Standort Österreich. Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. Processi di innovazione, imprese e ambiente locale. Read more
1995 Moulaert, F., Tödtling, F. 1995. Conclusions and prospects. Read more
1995 Tödtling, F., Traxler, J. 1995. The changing location of advanced producer services in Austria. Read more
1995 Moulaert, F., Todtling, F. 1995. The geography of advanced producer services in Europe. Read more
1995 Moulaert, F., Tödtling, F., Schamp, E. 1995. The role of transnational corporations. Read more
1994 Tödtling, Franz. 1994. Regional networks of hightechnology firms - the case of the greater Boston region. Read more
1994 Tödtling, Franz. 1994. Regional Networks of High-Technology Firms - The Case of the Greater Boston Region. Read more
1992 Tödtling, Franz. 1992. Technological change at the regional level. Read more
1991 Tödtling, Franz. 1991. Europäischer Binnenmarkt aus regionalpolitischer Sicht. Read more
1991 Tödtling, Franz. 1991. Europäischer Binnenmarkt aus regionalpolitischer Sicht. Read more
1990 Sheppard, E., Maier, Günther, Tödtling, Franz. 1990. The geography of organizational control. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz, Maier, Gunther. 1990. The Geography of Organisational Control: Austria 1973-1981. Read more
1987 Tödtling, Franz. 1987. The Regional Pattern of Industrial R&D in Austria: Sectoral, Organisational and Locational Determinants. Read more
1986 Tödtling, Franz. 1986. Gewerkschaften und Randgruppen in Österreich. Read more
1986 Tödtling, Franz, Maier, Gunther. 1986. Towards a Spatial Deconcentration of Entrepreneurial Control? Some Empirical Evidence for Austrian Regions 1973-1981. Read more
1985 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1985. Regionale Arbeitsplatzentwicklung nach Qualifikationsintensität und organisatorischem Status von Betrieben bei veränderten Rahmenbedingungen (1973-1981) in Österreich. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Organizational Characteristics of Plants in Core and Peripheral Regions of Austria. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz. 1984. Organisational Characteristics of Plants in Core and Peripheral Regions of Austria. Read more
1984 Tödtling, Franz, Gubitzer, Luise. 1984. Betriebliche Selbstverwaltung und eigenständige Regionalentwicklung am Beispiel der Genossenschaften von Mondragon. Read more
1983 Tödtling, Franz. 1983. Versuch einer Einschätzung der österreichischen Regionalpolitik für periphere und entwicklungsschwache Gebiete. Read more
1983 Tödtling, Franz. 1983. Regionale Unterschiede der Betriebs- und Arbeitsplatzstruktur in Österreich und ihre Beziehungen zur österreichischen Regionalpolitik. Read more
1983 Tödtling, Franz. 1983. Regionale Unterschiede der nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Betriebs- und Arbeitsplatzstruktur in Österreich. Read more
1978 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1978. Equidad Espacial: algunas tesis contrarias a la doctrina actual del desarollo regional. Read more
1978 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1978. Una Evaluacion de las Politicas Regionales. Experiencias en Economias de Mercado y en Economias Mixtas. Read more
1977 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1977. Spatial equity-Some anti-theses to current regional development doctrine. Read more
1977 Tödtling, Franz, Stöhr, Walter. 1977. Spatial Equity: Some Antitheses to Current Regional Development Doctrine. Read more

Working Paper/Preprint

2021 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Desch, Veronika. 2021. New directions for RIS studies and policies in the face of grand societal challenges. Read more
2019 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Frangenheim, Alexandra. 2019. Policy options for green regional development: applying a production and application perspective. Read more
2019 Grillitsch, Markus, Rekers, Josephine, Tödtling, Franz. 2019. When drivers of clusters shift scale from local towards global: What remains for regional innovation policy?. Read more
2019 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Frangenheim, Alexandra. 2019. Policy options for green regional development: applying a production and application perspective. PEGIS, Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies. Read more
2015 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2015. How do firms acquire knowledge in different sectoral and regional contexts?. Read more
2009 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2009. Innovation and Knowledge Links in Metropolitan Regions - The Case of Vienna. SRE Discussion Paper 2009/02. Vienna University of Economics. Vienna. Read more
2008 Tödtling, Franz, Lehner, Patrick, Kaufmann, Alexander. 2008. Do different types of innovation rely on specific kinds of knowledge interaction?. Read more
2008 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Lengauer, Lukas. 2008. Towards Regional Knowledge Economies - Routes and Policy Options. Read more
2007 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2007. Regional Innovation Cultures. CURE Working Paper. Institute for Regional Development and Environment. Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Read more
2007 Trippl, Michaela, Lengauer, Lukas, Tödtling, Franz. 2007. Innovation und Wissensnetze im Wiener Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiecluster. SRE Discussion 2007/02, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Read more
2006 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2006. From the ivory tower to the market place? The changing role of knowledge organisations in spurring the development of biotechnology clusters in Austria. SRE-DISC 2006/07, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Read more
2006 Tödtling, Franz, Lengauer, Lukas, Trippl, Michaela. 2006. Der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien-Sektor in Österreich: Struktur, Entwicklungsdynamik und räumliche Muster. SRE-DISC 2006/06, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Read more
2005 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2005. Clusters in old industrial regions: old, renewed, new. Read more
2005 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2005. Developing biotechnology clusters in weak learning environments - The case of Austria. Read more
2005 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2005. Knowledge links in high-technology industries: Markets, Networks or Milieu? The case of the Vienna biotechnology cluster. Read more
2004 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2004. One size fits all? Towards a differentiated approach with respect to regional innovation systems. Read more
1998 Tödtling, Franz, Sedlacek, Sabine. 1998. The State of a Regional Innovation System in Styria: Conclusions and Policy Proposals. Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. Firm Strategies and Restructuring in a Globalising Economy. Read more
1988 Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1988. Economic Restructuring and The Geography of Organisational Control: Austria 1973-1981. Read more

Research report, expert opinion

2009 Tödtling, Franz, Nussmüller, Eva, Lengauer, Lukas. 2009. Corporate Culture and Regional Engagement of Companies in Styria - CURE Regional Report. Read more
2007 Trippl, Michaela, Lengauer, Lukas, Tödtling, Franz. 2007. Innovation und Wissensnetze im Wiener Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiecluster. Read more
2007 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela. 2007. The Vienna Biotechnology Sector: Cluster evolution and the role of the supporting policy environment. Paper prepared for the OECD. Read more
2003 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Folly, Gerald. 2003. Evaluation des DMMA - DestinationsManagement Monitor Austria. Read more
2003 Tödtling, Franz, Trippl, Michaela, Folly, Gerald. 2003. Evaluierung der Clusterinitiative "Austria - Wellbeing Destination of Europe". Read more
2002 Lehner, Patrick, Kaufmann, Alexander, Tödtling, Franz. 2002. RINET Räumliche Innovationssysteme und Internet. Konsequenz des Internet für die Organisation von Innovationsnetzwerken. Read more
2000 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 2000. Innovation patterns of SMEs. Read more
1995 Erten, Christiane, Fink, Gerhard, Fischer, Manfred M., Hackl, Peter, Hasenauer, Rainer, Janko, Wolfgang, Karmasin, Matthias, Mayrhofer, Wolfgang, Mosser, Alois, Otruba, Heinrich, Reiger, Horst, Scheuch, Fritz, Schreiber, Michael, Schubert, Uwe, Tödtling, Franz. 1995. Feasibility-Studie zum Projekt eines WU-Forschungszentrums. Read more
1993 Tödtling-Schönhofer, Herta, Tödtling, Franz. 1993. Bioindustry Growth in Central Massachusetts: Regional Development and the Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park. Read more
1993 Tödtling-Schönhofer, Herta, Tödtling, Franz. 1993. Strategien einer international ausgerichteten österreichischen Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik im neuen Europa - Ansätze zu einer Neuorientierung im Lichte US-amerikanischer Erfahrungen. Read more

Popular science article

2018 Tödtling, Franz. 2018. Michael Polanyi: Von der physikalischen Chemie zur Philosophie des Wissens. Read more
2014 Tödtling, Franz. 2014. Regionale Innovationssysteme. Read more
2014 Trippl, Michaela, Martin, Roman, Tödtling, Franz. 2014. Regionale Pfadentwicklung in der Wissensökonomie. Read more
2006 Trippl, Michaela, Tödtling, Franz. 2006. Biotechparks - Cluster erfolgreich entwickeln. Read more
2000 Tödtling, Franz. 2000. Regionale Innovationssysteme im europäischen Vergleich. Read more

Edited book (editorship)

2011 Cooke, Philip, Asheim, Björn, Boschma, Ron, Martin, Ron, Schwartz, Dafna, Tödtling, Franz. 2011. Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth. Read more
2003 Tödtling, Franz. 2003. Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises. Read more
1999 Tödtling, Franz. 1999. Innovation Networks, Collective Learning, and Industrial Policy in Regions of Europe (Special Issue). Read more
1995 Tödtling, Franz. 1995. The European Geography of Advanced Producer Services Firms. Read more
1991 Bergman, Edward, Maier, Gunther, Tödtling, Franz. 1991. Regions Reconsidered: Networks, Innovation and Local Development in Industrialised Countries. Read more
1986 Edwards, Richard, Garonna, Paolo, Tödtling, Franz. 1986. Unions in Crisis and Beyond - Perspectives from Six Countries. Read more

Other scientific publications

2012 Asheim, Björn. T., Moodysson, Jerker, Tödtling, Franz. 2012. Constructing Regional Advantage: Towards State-of-the-Art Regional Innovation Systems in Europe?. Read more
1999 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 1999. Innovation Support for SMEs in Upper Austria. Read more
1998 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander, Sedlacek, Sabine. 1998. The State of a Regional Innovation System in Styria: Conclusions and Policy Proposals. Read more
1998 Tödtling, Franz. 1998. Regional Innovation Systems: Designing for the Future. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander. 1997. Innovation in Styrian Companies: University Based Cooperations Along Traditional Trajectories. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz, Sedlacek, Sabine. 1997. Organisations in the Regional Innovation System of Styria. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz. 1997. Kohäsionspolitik auf dem Prüfstand. Read more
1997 Tödtling, Franz, Kaufmann, Alexander, Sedlacek, Sabine. 1997. REGIS Firm Survey - The case of Styria. Read more
1994 Tödtling, Franz. 1994. Nur keine Elfenbeintürme mehr (Forschungseinrichtungen und regionaler Technologietransfer - US-Erfahrungen für Österreich). Read more
1991 Tödtling, Franz, Schubert, Uwe. 1991. Cities as Milieux for Innovation and R&D: A survey of Research Institutes in Austria. Read more
1990 Tödtling, Franz. 1990. Innovations- und Technologietransferzentren. Read more
1989 Tödtling, Franz. 1989. Strategien für entwicklungsschwache Problemgebiete. Read more
1986 Tödtling, Franz. 1986. Regionale Unterschiede der F&E-Tätigkeit der Österreichischen Industrie und ihre Zusammenhänge mit der regionalen Betriebsstruktur. Read more
1978 Stöhr, Walter, Tödtling, Franz. 1978. Regionalpolitik für periphere Gebiete. Read more

You can find a list of all (also completed) projects here...

Fields of research

Detailled information available at PURE-Database

  • Knowledge-based regional development and innovation systems

  • Networks and clusters

  • Urban and regional development

  • Regional policy

  • European regional development, EU regional policy

  • Globalisation and regional development