Blick in das LC Gebäude

Practitioner Seminar Series

We keep ongoing contacts with our industrial partners and also carry out numerous application research projects with them. Our students benefit from our experience from these projects and the interaction in practice. Here you can find our currents events and a review of talks and discussion events on topics from business, marketing and market research practice:


Sebastian Prohaska | ithelps
"tba", 02.04.2025, 17:15, TC.3.05


Markus Siuda | Corvis
"tba", 19.03.2025, 17:15, TC.4.03

porsche bank

Gennaro Miele | Porsche Bank AG
"tba", 12.03.2025, 17:15, TC.4.03


Sebastian Prohaska | ithelps
"tba", 06.11.2024, 17:00, TC.3.21

porsche bank

Gennaro Miele | Porsche Bank AG
"Smart Customers Drive Smart", 23.10.2024, 17:00, EA.6.032


Markus Siuda | Corvis
"Die Erfolgsformel im digitalen Marketing", 16.10.2024, 16:00, TC.4.05


Sebastian Prohaska | ithelps
"SEO Basics - How to win 2024", 10.04.2024, 17:15, D5.0.002


Amanda Vanselow & Cim Bayer | TOWA. the digital growth company
"Precision Marketing Mastery: Driving ALPLA's Mono-Material Revolution with Account-Based Strategies", 20.03.2024, 17:15, D5.0.002


Michael Mündle & Kaspar Semerl | Adverity
"Measuring Digital Marketing Success: Unlocking Insights with Adverity", 13.03.2024, 17:15, TC.4.03

AI Training

Raphael Schaad | Ai Training Institute
"Dive into AI: A Special Guest Lecture with Raphael Schaad from AI Training Institute", 05.12.2023, 14:00, Zoom Meeting
Registration Form here.


Sebastian Prohaska | ithelps
"SEO Fundamentals", 22.11.2023, 17:00, TC.2.03


Markus Siuda | Corvis
"Digital marketing success formula that market leaders use to outperform their competition", 15.11.2023, 17:15, TC.2.03

Jö Club

Marius Totter | Jö Club
"tba", 25.10.2023, 17:00, TC.2.03


Sebastian Prohaska | ithelps
"Der beste Ort eine Leiche zu verstecken ist in Google auf Seite 2 (*Englisch*)", 25.04.2023, 17:00, TC.5.01


Markus Siuda | CORVIS
"Die Erfolgsformel im digitalen Marketing, mit der Marktführer sich vom ihrem Mitbewerber abheben. (*Englisch*)", 18.04.2023, 17:00, TC.5.03


Alexandra Ebert | MOSTLY Al
"When Privacy Meets AI - An Introduction to Synthetic Data", 28.03.2023, 17:00, TC.5.27


Jasmin Taga, Laura Scherf and Johanna Walch | Accenture Song
"Accenture Song & Data-driven Marketing", 25.10.2022, 17:15, D4.0.022

About Media

Eugen Schmidt | About Media Internetmarketing GmbH
"25 Jahre: Ein Rückblick auf meinen (beruflichen) Werdegang und warum man Vieles besser machen sollte.", 18.10.2022, 17:15, D4.0.022


Andreas Hladky | PwC Österreich Digital Consulting
"Extended Reality & the Metaverse behind the scenes", 11.10.2022, 17:15, D4.0.022

hendrik möller

Hendrik Möller | DB Schenker Logistics
"Marketing Intelligence and Dashboard Solutions bei Schenker Logistics", 28.03.2022, 13:00, TC.1.02

Raiffeisen Bank

Stefan Theussl | Raiffeisen Bank International
"Raiffeisen Research and Customer Analytics", 21.03.2022, 13:00, TC.2.01


Michael Janicek & Kerstin Tüchler | Wüstenrot Marketing
"Data Science Use Cases im Digitalen Marketing bei Wüstenrot", 14.03.2022, 13:00, TC.0.01 ERSTE


Mario Luef | Swagal
"tba", 08.11.2021, 13:00, TC.3.05

Storyblok GmbH

Dominik Angerer | Storyblok GmbH
"Yet another Start-up Story? Ask me Anything with Dominik Angerer, CEO & Founder von Storyblok", 18.10.2021, 13:00, TC.3.05

anyline logo

Andreas Greilhuber | Anyline GmbH
"Anyline - from Start-Up to Scale-Up", 11.10.2021, 13:00h, TC.4.01

GfK Growth from Knowledge

Zuzana Kienast und Christina Toenniges | GfK Consumer Panels & Services
"GfK – data driven solutions", 22.03.2021, 13:00h, Zoom

Dolphin Technologies

Harald Trautsch | Dolphin Technologies & Bluemonkeys
"Marketing Automation & Behavioral Economics", 15.03.2021, 13:00h, Zoom


Andreas Hladky | PwC und PointofOrigin
"Design Thinking ist das neue Marketing", 08.03.2021, 13:00h, Zoom


Dr. Stefan Schiel | Marketmind
"Customer Centricity und Smart Data Segmentation in der Praxis", 02.11.2020, 12:00h, Zoom

REWE Group

Dr. Sophie Süssenbach-Oblak & Kollegen | Rewe Analytics & CRM
"Customer Analytics und CRM bei Billa & Merkur, Austria", 19.10.2020, 12:00h, Zoom


Walter Lukner | Payback
"Kundenbindung, KundenVERbindung, Loyalty4.0", 12.10.2020, 12:00h, Zoom


Dr. Stefan Schiel | Marketmind
"COVID-19 Specials: Implikationen der Krise auf die Marketing-Praxis", 04.05.2020, 12:00h, MS Teams

Simon Kucher und Partners

Dr. Thomas Haller | Simon, Kucher und Partners - "COVID-19 Specials: Markting im Krisenmodus", 27.04.2020, 11:30h, MS Teams

Daniel Kutrowatz | MindTake Research
"Optimierung von Marketingstrategien auf Basis von Marktforschungsdaten", 28.10.2019, 17:15 - 19:00h, TC.1.02

Dr. Stephan Winklbauer und Christoph Wenin | AHW rechtsanwälte & Rewe Group
„Der gläserne Kunde oder nur geniales Marketing? Die JÖ-Karte im Zeitalter der DSGVO.“, 21.10.2019, 17:30 - 19:00h, TC.2.02

Anna M. Burton und Nikolaus Beier | Sportradar
"Building Data Driven Marketing Services in a Niche Market", 14.10.2019, WU Wien

Albert Moik und Sarah Naomi Prinz | Accenture
"Digital Marketing at Accenture", 25.3.2019, WU Wien

Dr. Silke Hieke | Erste Bank
"Customer Experience Management bei der Erste Bank", 29.10.2018, WU Wien

Dr. Jakob Geyer | Aringer, Herbst, Winklbauer Rechtsanwälte
"Die DS-GVO als Herausforderung für das moderne Marketing", 17.04.2018, WU Wien

DI Andreas Greilhuber | Anyline
"Turning Optical Character Recognition (OCR) into a business model", 20.3.2018, WU Wien