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Tamás Molnár

Dr.habil. Tamás MOLNÁR, LL.M. (ULB), PhD (ELTE)

Dr.habil. Tamás MOLNÁR, LL.M. (ULB), PhD (ELTE)

Biographical Sketch

Dr.habil. Tamás Molnár joined the Institute for Law and Governance as a guest researcher in August 2024. He studied law at the ELTE University in Budapest (Master of Laws) and at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut d’Etudes europénnnes (LL.M. on EU law) and holds a Ph.D. in public international law (ELTE University, Budapest). He obtained his post-doctoral qualification called “habilitation” (dr. habil.) in public international law in 2022 (ELTE University, Budapest).

Since September 2016, Tamás has been working as a legal research officer on asylum, migration and borders as well as horizontal issues of public international law at the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna. Before his tenure with FRA, he worked for a decade in various ministries in Hungary in the fields of constitutional law, law of treaties, law of international organizations, as well as international and EU migration/refugee law and their domestic implementation (drafting legislation and negotiating treaties).

Tamás has extensive teaching and research experience in public international law and EU migration law at different institutions, amongst others Corvinus University of Budapest (Department of International Relations) and the University of London, School of Advanced Study (MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies). He completed a four-year postdoctoral research project financed through a research scholarship awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2014-2018), the outcome of which has been published as a monograph titled “The Interplay between the EU’s Return Acquis and International Law” (Edward Elgar Publishing 2021). He has published widely in the fields of international law, international institutional law, EU migration law, and the relationship of legal orders.

Research Interests

Tamás’ research interests include the relationship between legal orders (international law, EU law, and national legal systems), the autonomy of EU law, international and EU migration and refugee law, international human rights law, law of treaties, international responsibility, and the law of international organizations.

In his current research, Tamás focuses on the multi-faceted interactions between EU law and international law, employing juxtaposed perspectives as well as the responsibility of EU Member States and the EU (Frontex) under international law for breaching human rights in multi-actor (cooperative) border management scenarios, including questions of reparations under international law.

Tamás is currently co-organizing, together with LawGov’s Birgit Hollaus and Stefan Mayr, the ESIL-supported international workshop entitled “The autonomy of EU law under pressure? The changing landscape of the interactions between EU law and international law”, which will take place on 16-17 January 2025 at WU.

Selected Publications and Research Projects

For the full list of publications, see here.