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Turning Bedtime Into Dreamtime


Winter Semester 2024 / Schnarchcreme

Executive Summary

Schnarchcreme is the world’s first sleep-enhancing toothpaste for children. Made from 100% natural ingredients and free from any hormonal additives, Schnarchcreme is designed to make bedtime easier. Not only does Schnarchcreme promote better sleep for children, but it also improves the overall quality of life for their parents.


Our vision is to revolutionize children's bedtime by transforming it into an enjoyable experience for both children and their parents. We aim to create a sleep aid that seamlessly integrates into families' evening routines, offering a time-efficient solution that promotes relaxation. With a focus on natural, herbal ingredients, Schnarchcreme provides a safe and effective way to fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality. By combining innovation, simplicity, and science, we are committed to making bedtime a stress-free experience for families worldwide.


We leveraged the lean startup method to develop and refine our business idea. This approach involved formulating hypotheses for each part of our business model, which we categorized into three sections: desirability (do people want the product?), feasibility (can the product be created?), and viability (is pursuing the business idea a sound decision?). To validate our concept, we tested a total of 32 hypotheses through interviews with potential customers and industry experts. These interviews provided key insights, which we used to iteratively adapt our business model. Over the course of five iterations, we systematically reduced uncertainty and minimized risks. We began by testing desirability factors, concentrating on hypotheses that were highly important but lacked evidence. For instance, we explored whether parents genuinely struggle to help their children fall asleep and whether they believe herbal ingredients can effectively calm their children. 


We have developed a unique sleep-enhancing toothpaste designed to make bedtime routines smoother for families. Our product was showcased at the E&I Touchdown event, where it received positive feedback from attendees and experts, validating our concept and generating interest among potential users. This exposure reinforced the demand for such a solution in the market. We have partnered with Campus Apotheke in Vienna to refine and produce prototypes, incorporating feedback from pharmacy experts and customer interviews. Our latest prototype, which combines lavender, lemon balm, and bitter orange, successfully delivers both calming effects and a pleasant taste. Testing revealed that 50% of parents prefer Schnarchcreme over competing sleep aids, highlighting its strong market potential. As we move forward, our focus is on scaling production, refining our go-to-market strategy, and conducting broader consumer testing. We are committed to improving family bedtime routines and are confident that Schnarchcreme is well-positioned to provide a sustainable and impactful solution for families across the DACH region.

Cooperation Partner

  • Schnarchcreme

Contact Person

  • Simon Führer - simon.fuhrer@s.wu.ac.at 

Student Team

  • Benjamin Kos,
    Christoph Hauer,
    Markus Sauer,
    Simon Führer,
    Vladyslav Lesiv

Project Manager

  • Thomas Pannermayr

  • Dr. Marco Masia

  • Clara Conrad-Billroth

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