A student jumps in the air and is happy

Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformations (ISSET)

ISSET is an interdisciplinary institute at the Department of Socioeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business that unites research from geography, socioeconomics, political ecology, governance, and planning which focus on the contours, challenges and consequences of past, current and future spatial and social-ecological transformations: (i) The spatial perspective enables multi scalar, territorial, relational, place-based, and context-sensitive analyses that support integrated forms of policymaking and planning at multiple levels. (ii) The social-ecological perspective facilitates and integrates innovative analyses of socioeconomic dynamics and biophysical processes, e.g. by linking climate change and inequality, biodiversity loss and economic growth. ISSET will investigate spatial and social-ecological transformations in five research units with interdisciplinary teams and interrelated research and teaching agendas:

ISSET is a fusion of the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development (MLGD) and the Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience (WGI). Find the previous institute websites here MLGD and here WGI.