[Translate to English:]

Friedrich Ebner, MA

[Translate to English:] Prae Doc Friedrich Ebner, MSc.

WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Department für Sozioökonomie
Institut für Sozialpolitik
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude D4
1020 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 31336 6364
E-Mail: friedrich.ebner@wu.ac.at​


Friedrich Ebner, MA


Friedrich Ebner is a university assistant at the Institute for Social Policy at WU Vienna. He completed the part-time degree programs "Business Administration for Healthcare" and "Healthcare Management" at IMC FH Krems alongside his work as a qualified healthcare and nursing professional in the inpatient long-term care sector. His current dissertation deals with the acceptance of telecare applications among care and nursing staff.

  • Qualified healthcare and nursing professional, emergency paramedic

  • Business administration for the healthcare sector

  • Healthcare management

  • Digital technologies for (mobile) care

  • Acceptance research
