Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Edward W.N. Bernroider
Head of the Institute for Information Management and Control

Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Office: Building D2, Entrance C, 2nd floor
Office hours: By appointment
Tel: +43-1-31336-4441 /-6636 (secretaries)
Fax: +43-1-31336-90-4441
E-mail: edward[dot]bernroider[at]wu[dot]ac[dot]at
PURE (internal)
Research and Teaching
My research and teaching covers a wide range of areas and explores how incremental or radical digital innovations are analyzed, adopted and exploited as people collaborate and organizations integrate their processes, either internally or externally. I also emphasize accountable decision making and compliant system designs viewed from the firm and individual levels of analysis.
Digital Innovations and Risks
Large Scale Enterprise Information Systems Evaluation and Implementation
Information Systems Performance and Compliance
IT Program Management and Control
Absorptive Capacity and Dynamic IT Capabilities
Diversity and Dynamics of IS as a Discipline
Testable frameworks and models are constructed to tackle research problems, which may originate not only in organizations from the ICT sector but also in banks and insurance firms. In terms of methodologies, I have been rigorously applying quantitative and more recently also qualitative methods for extensive empirical research (mixed and single method studies). I have also been creatively applying controlled experiments in laboratory settings and published a number of simulation based studies.
Selected Titles
Senior Editor, European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
Editorial Board Member, Information & Management (I&M)
Distinguished Member, Association of Information Systems (AIS)
Management Board Member, Austrian Computer Society (OCG)
Visiting Researcher (Universities in Europe, Asia and Australia).
Head of the Department, Information Systems and Operations, WU Vienna, 3 terms of office (2016-2017, 2017-2019, 2021-2022)
Vice Chair, WU Research Institute for Computational Methods (FIRM), 4 terms of office (2012-2020)
Referee for doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowship programs, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2012-2019)
Academic Advocate and Gold Level Member, Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA, USA).
Selected Major Achievements
Co-authored over 130 peer reviewed articles (incl. over 40 journal articles) and books.
Regularly participated in co-organizing tracks for the three most prestigious IS conferences (ICIS, HICSS, ECIS).
Co-chaired an AIS affiliated International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM).
Founded the Institute for Information Management and Control at WU in 2011 and led the development of new specialized teaching pathways for bachelor, master and doctoral degree programs.
Co-developed a structural doctoral supervision program in the field of Information Systems at WU and achieved ten doctoral completions since my appointment at WU Vienna in 2011.
Ranked in 2014 and 2019 by the Handelsblatt(.com)/ETH Zurich “Lifetime achievements” ranking covering all business research at universities across German speaking countries.
Ranked among the Top 50 IS researchers worldwide according to publications in the eight AIS Senior Scholars’ Basket Journals from 2011-2013.
Selected Professional Recognitions
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) accredited under ISO/IEC 17024:2003, approved by US Department of Defense (DoD) 8570.01-M.
Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) accredited under ISO/IEC 17024:2003, approved by US Department of Defense (DoD) 8570.01-M.
Former Partner, Vienna Management Consulting Partners (VMCP) and ADAPCON, Vienna, Austria.
Scientific Appointee for Integration3000(.at) - Association for Promoting Interdisciplinary Research, Vienna, Austria.