Bachelor theses

We are very pleased that you are interested in writing a bachelor thesis at our Institute.
Below you will find a first overview of the most important elements for writing your bachelor thesis.
You are strongly advised to read our Bachelor Thesis Guide prior to applying for a supervision of your bachelor thesis. The Code of Conduct of the ICG must be adhered to when writing your bachelor thesis at the Institute.
To ensure a smooth and reliable procedure, we have defined a structured process for writing a bachelor thesis at our Institute.
Requirements for writing a Bachelor thesis at the Institute
Positive completion of the course "Standards wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Zitierens" or "Standards of Academic Writing and Citation" (SBWL) or "Introduction to Academic Writing" (BBE). It is not possible to write the bachelor thesis before enrolling in this course. Students can write the bachelor thesis parallel to the course, but a consecutive sequence is strongly recommended.
Evidence of sufficient knowledge and interest in corporate governance and/or strategy and managerial accounting subject areas
Availability of a supervisor, positive answer by a supervisor, proposal with preliminary outline corresponding with the requirements stated in the Bachelor Thesis Guide
Application for a supervision of a Bachelor Thesis
Students who would like to write a bachelor thesis at the ICG have to use the Online application form to submit a CV and the transcript of records (the second SBWL, if available), and have to submit – after an initial conversation with the supervisor - a research proposal by e-mail.
Online Application for the supervision can be submitted at any time of the year.
Writing the Bachelor Thesis
Assigning the topics
Students can either choose from a number of advertised topics or suggest a topic themselves that fits the Institutes’ research focus.
As a starting point, students can find assignments of topic blocks to assistants on the respective webpage of the Institute.
Research proposal
A research proposal is a preliminary work plan for the bachelor thesis to be written, and should serve as a guideline and orientation for students, as well as for supervisors.
Research proposals contain the following points: title of the thesis, problem and research question, objectives, methodology, rough structure, timetable, and a preliminary bibliography.
Research proposals are about three pages.
BBE students must prepare a short presentation of their proposal for their supervisor.
Writing the bachelor thesis
The bachelor thesis can be written in either English or German.
During the writing of the bachelor thesis, students should contact their supervisor periodically to discuss the progress of the thesis.
For final theses and seminar papers, the WU recommends in any case that used aids shall be listed collectively in a list of aids.
A description of the scope of application can be found in the WU policy List of Aids Used. An example for the List of Aids Used (section: which aids are listed?) contains some sample entries to discuss the use. There is also a corresponding template that students can use for their work.
The information is also collected on the WU website.
If you have any questions about the list of aids, please contact our colleagues from various service units at
For BaWiSo students a guideline is at least four supervision meetings.
For BBE students a guideline is two to four personal meetings, held in English.
The standard time for writing a bachelor thesis at our department is 3 months.
Submission and Evaluation of the Bachelor Thesis
As of March 1, 2025, the final submission of the bachelor thesis should be done electronically via myWU (instead of Learn@WU, as before). Following this step-by-step guide.
Students should use the official WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration cover sheet and assessment protocol for bachelor theses.
Make sure to include a list of aids used in your thesis. A template can be found here.
All papers submitted for evaluation are subject to a plagiarism check.
After the plagiarism check, it can take up to four weeks for your supervisor to enter your grade into the system.
Additional information on the submission, evaluation, as well as required forms can be found on the WU website (BaWiSo and BBE).
Detailed information on the most important elements for writing the bachelor thesis, such as the supervision process, general structure requirements, and citation formats, can be found in the Bachelor Thesis Guide. Of course, this document is superseded by any comments provided directly by your supervisor.