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Economics Core

What is the specialization Economics Core about?

In the Economics Core, students learn about advanced micro- and macroeconomic concepts and experience in-depth training with modern empirical methods of economic research. The Economics Core consists of five courses, which should be completed in the recommended sequence.

Micro and Macroeconomics

Register for the advanced courses when you have completed the respective foundations courses.

Advanced Microeconomics covers selected topics in microeconomics in greater detail. In the course you will systematically learn how to understand advanced literature on microeconomics. It prepares you for more advanced Economics Fields courses by using microeconomics methods.

Advanced Macroeconomics introduces you to economic growth theory. It deals with both exogenous and endogenous growth models, as well as with issues related to the empirics of economic development and income convergence worldwide.


The three econometrics courses should be completed in 3 semesters in the recommended order.

Econometrics I deals with the foundations of the subject: causality, correlation, assumptions of the linear regression model, OLS estimation, asymptotic tests, misspecification, outliers and heteroscedasticity.

Econometrics II covers more advanced subjects: time series analysis, endogeneity, instrumental variable estimation, panel data and limited dependent variable models.

Finally, the course on Applied Econometrics offers a deeper analysis of selected topics. In this course, you are expected to write an empirical, applied-econometric essay.

Application process


Which career prospects can graduates of the specialization expect upon completion?

Who can apply for Economics Core?

Which interests, strengths, and capabilities should applicants of the specialization have?

Recommended Course of Studies

Course I Advanced Microeconomics

Course II: Econometrics I

Course III Advanced Macroeconomics

Course IV: Econometrics II

Course V: Applied Econometrics

More information on the Bachelor’s Program Business and Economics
