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Lecture Homi Kharas

Homi Kharas (Brookings Institution)

Homi Kharas is a senior fellow in the Center for Sustainable Development, housed in the Global Economy and Development program at the Brookings Institution. In that capacity, he studies policies and trends influencing developing countries, including aid to poor countries, the emergence of the middle class, and global governance and the G20. From 1980 to 2006, Homi Kharas was at the World Bank, serving for seven years as chief economist for the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific region and as director for poverty reduction and economic management, finance and private sector development. Along with Indermit Gill, he developed the concept of 'middle income traps'. He has served as the lead author and executive secretary of the secretariat supporting the High Level Panel, co-chaired by President Sirleaf, President Yudhoyono. and Prime Minister Cameron, advising the U.N. Secretary General on the post-2015 development agenda (2012-2013). His most recent co-authored/edited books are “The Rise of the Global Middle Class” (Brookings Press, 2023), “Breakthrough: The Promise of Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Development” (Brookings Press, 2022) and “Leave No One Behind” (Brookings Press, 2019). He has published articles, book chapters, and opinion pieces on global development policy, global trends, the global food crisis, international organizations, the G20, the DAC, and private philanthropy.

Title: The Rise of the Global Middle Class

In this presentation, Homi Kharas discusses his latest book, The Rise of the Global Middle Class: How the Search for the Good Life Can Change the World, where he examines the rapid expansion of the global middle class, which now comprises over half of the world's population, and explores its profound implications on economics, politics, and societal structures. The presentation will delve into how the burgeoning middle class influences global consumption patterns, drives political change, and addresses pressing challenges such as inequality and climate change. Drawing from historical trends and current data, he offers a comprehensive analysis of the middle class's role in shaping a sustainable and equitable future.


Time: 27.03.2025 | 5 pm - 6:30 pm
Location: Building EA, Sky Lounge
Venue: WU Vienna, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Building EA

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