Blick in das LC Gebäude

Institute for Gender and Diversity in OrganizationsRSS

Establishing the Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations in 2002 marked a milestone for research and higher education. Making questions of gender and diversity an integral part of its research and teaching agenda, WU Vienna is a role model within the international scientific community. Central to the Institute’s research and teaching activities are organizations and diversity as well as their complex social contexts.

Rooted in critical and emancipatory epistemologies, both our research and teaching is guided by enhancing social justice and inclusion. In establishing cross-, inter- and trans-disciplinary perspectives on gender and diversity in organizations, the researchers at the Institute aim at forming a critical research and teaching field, both nationally as well as internationally. In addition to our scientific activities, our aim is to contribute to socio-political discussions and the exchange of knowledge related to issues of diversity in organizations on a broader scale.


[Translate to English:] Romo Perez Guest Speaker Hasselt University

Assistent Prof. Dr. Romo Perez as a Guest Speaker at Hasselt University

On April 28, 2022 Assistant Professor Andrea Romo Pérez visited (online) Hasselt University to give a talk about her policing and diversity research.

[Translate to English:] Präsentation „(In)visible Women in Social Sciences and Social Work“

„Diversität auf virtuellen Wegen stärken“

Präsentation der ersten Ergebnisse des DAAD- und SoTL-geförderten Projektes „(In)visible Women in Social Sciences and Social Work“

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Insights: The WU Gender and Diversity Conference 2022

The Gender and Diversity conference was held (online) between March 24 and 25, 2022.

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Tag der Geschlechterforschung

Am 1. März veranstaltet das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung den Tag der Geschlechterforschung, an dem sich die WU zusammen mit knapp 40 Institutionen beteiligen wird. …

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Neues Video: Inklusives Teambuilding in der Lehre

In einem neuen Video und auf der Intranetseite „Inklusives Teambuilding“ erhalten Sie Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Lehrveranstaltungen wertschätzend und fair gestalten können und Teambuilding in der Lehre…

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Course: Women in Law

We would like to introduce the course "5937 FS Women in Law" which has been organized by the Department of Private Law at WU and is aimed primarily at students of the Master's program Business Law. …

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Justitia Awards - Aufruf zur Einreichung von Nominierungen

Mit den Justitia Awards werden herausragende Frauen in der Rechtswissenschaft in einer von drei Kategorien ausgezeichnet: (1) Internationale Führungspersönlichkeiten / Lebenszeitpreise (2)…

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WU matters. WU talks.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ort: Festsaal 1 (Gebäude LC, WU Wien) sowie YouTube-Livestream Datum und Uhrzeit: 16. März 2022 um 18:00 UhrArt: Diskussion Sprache: Englisch Veranstalter: …