Blick in das LC Gebäude

Institute for Gender and Diversity in OrganizationsRSS

Establishing the Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations in 2002 marked a milestone for research and higher education. Making questions of gender and diversity an integral part of its research and teaching agenda, WU Vienna is a role model within the international scientific community. Central to the Institute’s research and teaching activities are organizations and diversity as well as their complex social contexts.

Rooted in critical and emancipatory epistemologies, both our research and teaching is guided by enhancing social justice and inclusion. In establishing cross-, inter- and trans-disciplinary perspectives on gender and diversity in organizations, the researchers at the Institute aim at forming a critical research and teaching field, both nationally as well as internationally. In addition to our scientific activities, our aim is to contribute to socio-political discussions and the exchange of knowledge related to issues of diversity in organizations on a broader scale.


[Translate to English:] LV Ausgewählte Diversitätsdimensionen und Intersektionalität

Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft in Lehrveranstaltung vorgestellt

Am 18.10.2022 stellte Mag.a Rosmarie Zauner, E.MA, die Arbeit der Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft in unserer Lehrveranstaltung „Ausgewählte Diversitätsdimensionen und Intersektionalität“ vor. Anhand…

[Translate to English:] EMRBI EuroMed Research Business Institute

Prof. Marie- Therese Claes as guest speaker at the Università degli Studi di Palermo

Between September 21 and 23, Professor Marie- Therese Claes attended the 15th Annual Euromed Academy of Business (EMAB) Conference in Palermo, Italy.

[Translate to English:] Mondi logo

Internship at Mondi Diversity & Inclusion (f/m/x)

A world of opportunities available at home and abroad

[Translate to English:] Maria Clar at aaia networking event

Paneldiskussion - How to overcome Investment Bias

Maria Clar vom Institut für Gender und Diversität in Organisationen diskutierte gemeinsam mit Sabine Fleischmann, CNB Capital Senior Investment Manager, Lucanus Polagnoli, Founder Calm/Storm Ventures,…

[Translate to English:] Panel discussion organized by the Next Generation Immunologists

Panel discussion organized by the Next Generation Immunologists

Andrea Romo represented our institute in an event organized by the Next Generation of Immunologists.

[Translate to English:] Visit to Stellenbosch Business School

Visit to Stellenbosch Business School

Marie-Thérèse Claes and Anett Hermann met colleagues from South Africa and from Switzerland to discuss current challenges for leadership qualifications.

[Translate to English:] EDI Cape Toen

Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations at the EDI 2022 Conference

Professor Marie- Therese Claes together with Assistent Professors Anett Hermann, Andrea Romo Pérez, Maria Clar-Novak and Wogene Mena attended the EDI 2022 Conference in Cape Town between the 22nd and…

[Translate to English:] EGOS 2022

Prof. Marie- Therese Claes as speaker at the EGOS Colloquium at WU

On July 8, 2022, Prof. Marie- Therese Claes presented at the EGOS Colloquium at WU.

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

EGOS 2022 sub-plenary

Prof. Marie Therese Claes, Assistant Prof. Andrea Romo Pérez, and Prof. Kathleen Riach have organized the Sub-plenary “Symbolic Violence and the Crafting of Bodies in Organizations” to be held on 7…


SIETAR Europa Congress 2022

SIETAR Europa Congress 2022 in Malta: Re-Thinking Interculturalism Marie-Therese Claes, Anett Hermann and Christiane Erten presented current research results at the Valletta Campus of the University…