Seitlicher Blick auf das D4 Gebäude.

Study Information

New Curriculum as of Wintersemester 2023/24

The Department of Economics offers courses in economics in all three sections of the Bachelor's degree programme in Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Welcome by the program director:


Q&A about the Economics Major:

Why should I choose Economics as a major at WU Vienna?

What do students learn when studying economics?

What do the Nobel Prize and the subject of economics have in common?

What are possible job profiles or prospects for graduates of the Economics major?

Erklärung des Studienzweigs durch den Programmdirektor

Video Studienzweig Volkswirtschaftslehre


Studienempfehlung 2. Studienjahr

[Translate to English:] Empfehlung zweites Studienjahr

Studienempfehlung 3. Studienjahr

[Translate to English:] Empehlung 3. Studienjahr