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BBE Specializations

The BBE specializations at the Department of Economics consist of the specialization Economics Core and the specialization Economics Fields.


Why choose specializations in Economics?

What are the differences between the specializations?

Course structure


For the Economics Core, we recommend that you first complete the foundation courses Foundations in Microeconomics and Foundations in Macroeconomics) and then register for Advanced Microeconomics and Advanced Macroeconomics.

For the Economics Fields, we recommend that you complete all relevant foundation courses and the three Economics Core courses (Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, Econometrics I) and then register for Economics Fields courses.

Economics Core

Select 5 courses for 20 ECTS in 3 semesters.

Details about the specialization Economics Core 

economic fields

Economics Fields

Select 3 courses for 20 ECTS in 2 semesters.

Details about the specialization Economics Fields 

Example of content taught in BBE

information on BBE specializations Economics Core and Economics Fields
information on BBE specializations Economics Core and Economics Fields