Past Events
Past Events of 2025
The lecture series is jointly organized by Aurel Schubert, Honorary Professor at the Department of Economics and former Director General Statistics, ECB and by Guido Schäfer, Department of Economics, WU Vienna.
Attendance is free for students and faculty of the WU as well as for all interested participants. No registration is required.
Past Events of 2024
18.11.2024 | Wettbewerb, Fairness und Wandel |
Die Weltwirtschaft steht vor epochalen Veränderungen. Stichworte wie Deglobalisierung, Dekarbonisierung und Digitalisierung sind in aller Munde. Die Frage stellt sich, ob der Wettbewerb bzw. die Wettbewerbspolitik diesen Entwicklungen Rechnung tragen muss und wenn ja, wie? Sollen auch wir (bzw. die EU) gewisse Unternehmen begünstigen, so wie es China vorgeworfen wird? Oder sollten wir eher wettbewerblichen Kräften vertrauen, damit effiziente, d.h. wettbewerbsfähige, Industrien entstehen? Genügt das "traditionelle" Wettbewerbsrecht, um Probleme wie erhöhter Marktkonzentration, Winner-takes-all-Phänomene und mangelnder Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den Griff zu bekommen oder braucht es neue Ansätze? Soll "Fairness" auch im Wettbewerbsrecht eine Rolle spielen oder würde das nur ein Einfallstor für Lobbying und Ineffizienz bedeuten?
VAM aims to bring together Vienna-based researchers working on Applied Micro Economics. The workshop will provide an opportunity to share recent or ongoing research on a broad range of Applied Economics topics and meet and network with other researchers in Vienna. This year's keynote speaker is Prof. Pedro Martins (Nova School of Business and Economics).
25.09.2024 | Public Lecture: Barry Eichengreen |
Public Lecture about „International Currencies through the Ages“
Barry Eichengreen is George C. Pardee & Helen N. Pardee Chair and Distinguished Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1987. He is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London, England). In 1997-98 he was Senior Policy Advisor at the International Monetary Fund.
11.-13.09.2024 | 37th CIRET Conference |
UN/WIFO/WU/Statistics Austria/KOF
10 September 2024
37th CIRET Conference Vienna
11 - 14 September 2024
find here the programmes for the workshop and for the conference,
hosted by Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) & WU Vienna
27.06.2024 | Ewald Nowotny wird 80 |
Rupert Sausgruber (Rektor der WU Wien): Begrüßung und einführende Worte
Peter Mooslechner (Mitglied des Direktoriums der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank i.R.): Laudatio
Ewald Nowotny (Präsident, Österr. Ges. für Europapolitik; ehem. Gouverneur der OeNB; Univ. Prof. i.R.): Replik
26.-27.06.2024 | 3rd Workshop on Residential Housing Markets - A Market in Distress and Potential Solutions |
Keynote Lecture
"Using Behavioural Interventions to Mitigate Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market"
Prof. Helen Bao
Department for Land Economy
University of Cambridge
How are housing markets affected by the accumulation of recent crises shaking economies?
25.06.2024 | Public Lecture by Oded Galor |
Public Lecture on the Book “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality”
by Oded Galor
How did Europe soar ahead of previously more advanced civilizations such as China and the Ottoman Empire? Why are Boliviaʼs challenges the opposite of Ethiopiaʼs? Is continued growth compatible with tackling the climate crisis? Making astounding connections across continents and millennia, Oded Galor answers these and many more questions in his book The Journey of Humanity.
Guillaume Rocheteau
Professor, University of California at Irvine
“When Money Dies: The Dynamics of Speculative Hyperinflations”
The lecture series is jointly organized by Aurel Schubert, Honorary Professor at the Department of Economics and former Director General Statistics, ECB, and by Guido Schäfer, Department of Economics, WU Vienna. The Hanns Abele Prize of WU’s Department of Economics is made possible by a generous donation of the Abele family.
03.-04.05.2024 | Annual Conference 2024 - Verein für Sozialpolitik - Standing Field Committee in International Economics |
After years of very low interest rates, debt servicing has risen sharply in many countries. Accord- ing to the World Bank, the interest service of the poorest 80 countries alone has quadrupled since 2019. Countries that are indebted in foreign currency are specially in trouble. However, budgetary flexibility has also decreased in Europe. At the same time, climate policy requires massive public investment.
02.-05.04.2024 | European Public Choice Society 2024 |
The 51st Meeting of the European Public Choice Society will take place at the Vienna University of Economics from April 2 to April 5, 2024. The European Public Choice Society (EPCS, promotes scientific research on the economics and politics of public and nonmarket decision-making, political economy, and the economics of institutions.
19.03.2024 | Public Lecture Moritz Schularick |
Globalisation was an economic success story for the last decades. Will this still be the case for the 21st century? Political management of globalisation has been less successful. The open, rules-based global economic order did not make the world a safer, more stable and more peaceful place. Populism is rising, democracies are under pressure, from the inside and the outside. Economic dependencies and tools are used increasingly for geopolitical goals. What are the implications for the world economy? Europe faces new geoeconomic challenges ranging from protectionism abroad to import dependencies on strategic resources. What are the consequences for Europe as an economic area? What are the best strategies to make Europe more resilient?
26.02.2024 | World Bank Report Presentation |
The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Europe - Presentation of the Report and round table with experts. Technology is a potent driver of productivity and economic growth and is also reshaping Europe's labor landscape. A new World Bank report, "The Future of Work: Implications for Equity and Growth in Europe", delves into the transformation that technology is causing within European firms, changing their tasks and the skills they require, and widening the gap between highly educated and less-educated workers.
22.-23.02.2024 | 16th FIW Research Conference "International Economics" |
Hauptziel der Konferenz ist es, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler:innen, die auf dem Gebiet der „Internationalen Wirtschaft“ arbeiten, eine Plattform zu bieten, um aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zu präsentieren. Beiträge von Doktorand:innen, jungen Fakultätsmitgliedern und jungen Forscher:innen in ähnlichen Positionen sind besonders willkommen, da die Konferenz darauf abzielt, junge Wirtschaftswissenschaftler zu unterstützen und zu ermutigen, indem sie ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Arbeit sowohl anderen jungen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern als auch erfahrenen älteren Forschern vorzustellen.
Luigi Federico Signorini
Senior Deputy Governor Bank of Italy
President of the Insurance Supervisory Authority (IVASS)
“Money, Credit and Disinflation”
The lecture series is jointly organized by Aurel Schubert, Honorary Professor at the Department of Economics and former Director General Statistics, ECB and by Guido Schäfer, Department of Economics, WU Vienna.
Past Events of 2023
Die Baby-Boomer stehen kurz vor der Pensionierung, die jüngeren Kohorten sind deutlich geburtsschwächer besetzt, Qualifikationsangebot und -nachfrage am Arbeitsmarkt sind oftmals nicht deckungsgleich und bis zu 20% eines Geburtsjahrgangs gehen aufgrund mangelnder Qualifikationen oder vorzeitigem Bildungsabbruch dem qualifizierten Arbeitsmarkt verloren. Das ist die Gemengelage, aus der unser gegenwärtiger Fachkräftemangel resultiert.
Ownership and Control after 25 Years of Corporate Governance Reforms, Cambridge University Press, 2023 & The New Challenges and Research Questions
EJC Symposium “Media transformation and the challenge of property”
06.07.2023 | Energizing Europe |
Presentation of the World Bank’s EU Regular Economic Report -Speakers: Gallina A. Vincelette(Country Director for the European Union, The World Bank), Jasmin Chakeri (Practice Manager, The World Bank), Collette Wheeler (Senior Economist, The World Bank)
19.06.2023 | Axel van Trotsenburg |
The World Bank’s Senior Managing Director responsible for Development Policy and Partnerships, visited WU and gave a talk on "Development in a time of crises: investing in a better future?"
10.05.2023 | Public Lecture Peter Praet |
Senior Fellow, Université Libre de Bruxelles
ECB Executive Board Member and Chief Economist (2012 – 2019)
“Challenges for monetary policy in an incomplete monetary union”.
23.+24.02.2023 | 15th FIW-Research Conference 2023 |
The FIW - Research Centre International Economics ( is a cooperation between the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the University Vienna, the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the University of Innsbruck, WIFO, wiiw and WSR. FIW is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministries of Education, Research and Science (BMBFW) and of Labour and Economy (BMAW).
30.01.2023 | Workshop on residential housing markets |
This workshop aimed to bring together economists (and social scientists in general) based in Austria who work on housing markets. Participants were invited to present an advanced or recently published study that best reflects their current interests.
Department of Economics