Blick in das LC Gebäude

Bachelor & Master Thesis

The Institute for Cryptoeconomics does not have a teaching assignment. Nevertheless, we would like to offer students the opportunity to write academic theses.

In order to be able to supervise Bachelor's or Master's theses, students must attend the consecutive courses "Introduction to Blockchain" and "Blockchain and Token Economy", which are part of the SBWL Production Management. It is also possible to attend these courses as an extraordinary student with the approval of the course instructors. However, no grade can then be assigned.

In these two courses, our PhD students provide necessary basic knowledge and students get the opportunity to learn about the topics and methods of cryptoeconomics in order to be able to elaborate thesis topics independently based on them.

Further procedure:

  • The thesis‘ topic has to overlap with the research field of our scientists. For this purpose, the student defines a research question that fits into this topic area during the course.

  • After agreeing on a topic or research question, the student will write a 3-to-5-page synopsis, consisting of:

  1. Content description (subject/questioning, definition of hypothesis, description of methods)

  2. Table of contents / proposed structure of the thesis

  3. Bibliography


  • This exposé will be coordinated with the head of the institute, Prof. Alfred Taudes. After that, a commitment can be made whether the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics will supervise the work.

  • The thesis must be written in English

  • The thesis must be written using Overleaf/Latex

With university teachers assigned to the research institute:

Corresponding information, topic suggestions and contact persons can be found on the respective website of the institute.

Institut für Produktionsmanagement

Institut für Informationswirtschaft

Institut für analytische Volkswirtschaftslehre

Institut für Finance, Banking and Insurance

SBWL Rechnungslegung & Steuerlehre

Institut für Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht

Institut für Österreichisches und Internationales Steuerrecht

Institut für Informations und Immaterialgüterrecht

Institut für Unternehmensrecht

Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation

Institut für Service Marketing und Tourismus

Institut für BWL des Außenhandels