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Y. Altman, J. Koll, W. Mayrhofer, M. Müller-Camen & A. Schneebaum (2021): Contours of workplace antisemitism: initial thoughts and a research agenda, in: Lange, A. Et al. (Eds.) An End to Antisemitism! Vol. 4, Berlin: De Gruyter

Hannah Arendt (1964): Eichmann in Jerusalem. A report on the banality of evil

Austrian Parliament, Studies on Antisemitism:

Sergio DellaPergola (2020): Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union 2018. A new structural look

Helga Embacher (2022): Controversies over Austria's Nazi Past: Generational Changes and Grassroots Awakenings following the Waldheim Affair and the "Wehermacht Exhibitions"

Goldstein, B.D. (2022). Is There Anything New in Antisemitism? Settler Colonialism. In: Akande, A. (eds) Handbook of Racism, Xenophobia, and Populism. Springer Handbooks of Political Science and International Relations. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13559-0_36 

Jewish on Campus:

Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry:

L. Daniel Staetsky & Sergio DellaPergola (2020): Jews in Austria - A demographic and social portrait