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Public Awareness

According to our objectives SABE aims to draw the public attention to the topic of active and passive Antisemitism, as it is deeply rooted in our society. To achieve this purpose SABE not only publishes academic papers, but also newspaper articles, organizes various public events and gives Interviews

Current Public Events

Newspaper Articles

Monika Polzin published an article "Die UNO spielt mit ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit" in the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse" reflecting on the actions taking by the UNO concerning 7th of October 2023. 

"Sie legte die Bombe im Kasino", an article by Johannes Koll and Frederik Lange in the German Newspaper "Die Zeit" bringing back to life the forgotten story of the Polish Jew Halina Karin that risked her life in the resistance against the German occupiers.

Johannes Koll investigated the honorary doctorates awarded by WU to Nazi sympathizers, and came across some very Austrian stories. "Ehre, wem keine gebührt" an article in the Austrian magazine "Falter". 


In the "Presse" podcast studio "125 Jahre WU: Wie sich die Universität ihrer NS-Vergangenheit stellt" WU Rector Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger sheds light on the dark years of the Vienna University of Economics and Business together with historian and archivist Dr. Johannes Koll.

Johannes Koll has given several interviews on the topic of how to deal with historically questionable academic honors. They include "Ehrendoktor und Nationalsozialist" and "Wem Ehre gebührt".