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Digitization and long-term care/older people (AAL)

24/7 [Digital]
Digital support for the caregiving network in 24-hour care

Digitalisation of third-party money management in long-term care
Study on the framework conditions and potentials of (digital) money management in long-term care facilities

Identifying an acceptance model for interactive telecare applications in mobile home care

"Social Coin"

Blockchain-based solutions for purchases and third party money management in care and support


Evaluation of safety enhancing Active and Assisted Living Technologies in the "Häuser zum Leben" (residential care) in Vienna

“Care about Care”- Evalu
Evaluation of the of the "Care App" and the "Remote Support System" for home-based care and support

Evaluation of CARU, a voice-​controlled device for home care

Evaluation of usability and effectiveness of fitness technology for older people

Evaluating effectiveness of the app-based system "CARIMO" to promote physical activity for people in need of care

Evaluation of the effects of new assistive technologies for assisted living in Salzburg

Evaluation of an integrated AAL-solution project model in shelterd housing