Archiv News EMCEERSS

New Publication

Integrating distance research with the behavioral strategy literature on MNC headquarters-subsidiary relations, this paper explores how the distance between headquarters and subsidiaries relates to…

McKinsey Global Institute: How to counter three threats to growth in Latin America

Declining fertility rates, the end of the commodity-price boom, and risk of increased protectionism threaten Latin America's growth performance.

Invitation to panel discussion: “US Tax Reform: Realizing the Dream or Europe’s Worst Nightmare!”

Bob Stack (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Tax Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury) will be participating in a panel debate on the 30th of March at WU.

Neue Publikation

Immer mehr KMUs aus Osteuropa steigen ins Exportgeschäft ein. In einer neuen Publikation untersucht WU-Professorin Dikova gemeinsam mit 3 slowenischen Wissenschaftern die…

Emerging Market Multinationals Report (EMR), 2016

The report aims at contributing to a better understanding of the dramatic rise of emerging economies multinationals and its economic and societal implications. It has been authored by Lourdes Casanova…

We are back from semester break!

WU Vienna offers a broad vari­ety of lec­tures and courses on top­ics related to Emer­ging Mar­kets and/or CEE. Find an updated list of relevant courses offered during the summer term 2017 online now.

McKinsey Quarterly (Jan. 2017): Leading a corporate transformation in Southeastern Europe

Lessons from Hrvatski Telekom’s CEO, Davor Tomašković, who has done this three times in the past dozen years in Croatia.

Emerging Markets @ Davos

Angefangen von der Eröffnungsrede des chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping waren Emerging Markets beim diesjährigen Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos personell und thematisch stark vertreten.

Jahrestreffen des World Economic Forum vom 17. - 20.1.2017 in Davos

Vom 17. – 20.1 2017 findet das Jahrestreffen des World Economic Forum in Davos statt. Rund 2500 prominente RepräsentatInnen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Politik & Kultur aus 90 Ländern sind geladen.

Erste Bank Preis für Mittel- und Osteuropaforschung

Am 18.1. 2017 endet die Bewerbungsfrist für den mit 15.000 € dotierten Preis der Erste Bank für Forschungsvorhaben zur Führung von Unternehmen - insbesondere Banken - in Mittel- und Osteuropa (MOE).