Archiv News EMCEERSS

India’s ascent: Five opportunities for growth and transformation

McKinsey Global Institute (August 2016)

The evolving role of China in Africa and Latin America

The Economist Intelligence Unit (August 2016)

The evolving role of China in Africa and Latin America

The Economist Intelligence Unit (August 2016)

FDI in CEE – Slump despite global upturn

wiiw FDI Report (June 2016)

Chinas neues “Seidenstraße-Projekt“: Eine Risikoanalyse

The Economist Intelligence Unit (Mai 2016)

„Polnisch für AnfängerInnen“

Neu an der WU im WS 2016/17!

The OECD Better Policies series published a report on “Policies for Sound and Effective Investment in China”

Since the start of the economic reform process in the 70s China has been able to generate a large volume of investment, both from domestic and foreign sources. This high volume of investment was…

Belastet der Rückgang in den BRICs Mittel- und Osteuropa?

Erste Group Research (März 2016)