India’s ascent: Five opportunities for growth and transformation

22. August 2016

McKinsey Global Institute (August 2016)

25 years ago, India embarked on a journey of economic liberalization, opening its doors to globalization and market forces. We have watched as the investment and trade regime introduced in 1991 raised economic growth, increased consumer choice, and reduced poverty significantly. Now, as uncertainties cloud the global economic picture, the International Monetary Fund has projected that India’s GDP will grow by 7.4 percent for 2016–17, making it the world’s fastest-growing large economy. India also compares favorably with other emerging markets in growth potential. The country offers an attractive long-term future powered largely by a consuming class that’s expected to more than triple, to 89 million households, by 2025. This report focuses on five areas with the potential for deep and widespread economic impact. By no means is this a comprehensive assessment of India’s prospects, but we believe these are among the most significant opportunities and are emblematic of broader change. Foreign and Indian businesses would do well to recognize these trends and understand their implications. The country could create sustainable economic conditions in five ways, such as promoting acceptable living standards, improving the urban infrastructure, manufacturing for India in India, riding the digital wave, and unlocking the potential of women. LINK

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