Archiv News EMCEERSS

Forschungsbericht zu d. Auswirkungen d. Covid-19 Pandemie auf d. Volkswirtschaften & Unternehmen in Mittel- u. Osteuropa

Die Studierenden der Master Class CEE 2020-21 haben in ihrem Projektseminar zum Thema „The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on CEE economies and businesses“ geforscht. Dabei haben die Studierenden ein…

Congratulations to our new Master Class CEE graduates!

On June 16 we celebrated the successful completion of the MC CEE program by the cohort 2020-21.

Sanctions and Countersanctions: The Czech Business Perspective

Due to the political crisis between the Russian Federation and countries condemning the annexation of Crimea, a mixture of economic, financial and diplomatic sanctions were imposed on the Russian…

Master Class CEE Graduation Ceremony

The virtual Graduation Ceremony of our Master Class CEE 2020/21 takes place on Wednesday, June 16, 2021.

Overcoming the Covid-19 Crisis: The Slovakian and Slovenian Business view - Review

We have provided for you a summary of the most interesting questions and answers.

Get your ideas across - Pyramid Thinking

On April 24th, 2021 we held an online workshop on the topic of “Get your ideas across - Pyramid Thinking” with Rita Boeckmann for those interested in the Master Class CEE and the CEE Cercle. The…

Sanctions and Countersanctions: The Czech Business Perspective

Due to the political crisis between the Russian Federation and countries condemning the annexation of Crimea, a mixture of economic, financial and diplomatic sanctions were imposed on the Russian…

Social Media in Employer Branding in FMCG in Russia: Millennial’s Perspective

Multinational companies widely use social media to promote their brand, along with traditional recruitment tools. However, the effect of social media on potential applicant’s perceptions of the…

The Master Class CEE as a springboard for management careers - Review

In this panel, we discussed with a group of alumni the influence of the MC CEE on their career choices, the value of a region-specific study in today’s globalized business world and the role of Vienna…

EMCEE Research Insights Series: The US-China trade war: a trigger for relocating global supply chains out of China

by Daniela Huber and Arnold Schuh. The US-China tariff and trade war has markedly increased the uncertainty for globally operating firms with a global supply chain involving both markets. This…