Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.

PhD Label Economics

The Department offers a PhD program in Economics that trains students to the most advanced standards in the discipline. It is characterized by rigorous coursework, a strong research element, and the Department’s ambition to place students at recognized international institutions.

The programm under the Economics Label offers:
  • a structured curriculum with (i) a mandatory core and (ii) field courses to choose from,

  • fully funded positions and excellent working conditions, and

  • a stimulating research environment characterized by a sizeable number of researchers, all organized in one faculty.

WU CAMPUS Gebäude D4 und AD

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The research at the Department covers a broad range of topics in applied microeconomics and industrial organizationmacroeconomics and international economics, and economic policy in the broader fields of public economics, labor economics, political economy, the economics of digitalization, and behavioral economics.

The PhD Label Economics is based on the Curriculum for the PhD program in Economic and Social Sciences (Studienplan PhD in Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften). The general rules of the Curriculum apply, but some parts are specified further. The  students within the label are members of the Department of Economics and fully integrated into the Department's research activities. The program is taught in English.

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