Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.


The application period for the  PhD Label Economics for the coming academic year 25/26 has ended. Employment starts each year at September 1st. 

Application for the following year will be possible again during January/February 2026. Open positions and application deadlines will then be announced here on this website and the WU job portal.

Prerequisites for Admission

  • Master degree in Economics or related field

  • Necessary prerequisites:

    • Advanced Microeconomics I & II (4+4 ECTS)

    • Advanced Macroeconomics I & II (4+4 ECTS)

    • Advanced Econometric Models and Methods (4 ECTS)

The WU-Master "Science Track" contains these necessary prerequisite courses mentioned above.

Each application to the PhD program is carefully screened. The PhD program director evaluates on a case-by-case basis the equivalence of master courses from the WU-master "Applied Track" and/or from other universities/master programs, to these prerequisite courses.

In case prerequisite courses are missing, they must be obtained by the candidate by completing the respective courses from the scientific track of WU's economics master program during his/her first year of the PhD program.

PhD-students in our label need to be employed at the WU, either in a Department position, or via third-party funding. Employment usually is in the position of  “Teaching and Research Associate” (pre-doc, employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Angestellte/r gemäß Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten) .