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Habilitation Susanne Kopf

On November 14, 2024, Susanne Kopf was awarded the Venia Docendi in Applied Linguistics for her habilitation titled "A linguistic perspective on social media and the digital platform economy: between…

ABC awards for Ursula Lutzky

Ursula Lutzky received two prestigious awards at the 88th Annual International Conference of the Association for Business Communication, which was held from October 25 to 28, 2023, in Denver (USA):

New publication

English Academic Writing, which Dr Mautner co-authored with Dr Ross, has now been published and is available here:https://www.utb.de/doi/book/10.36198/9783838560281

New publication

Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies, which Mathew Gillings and Gerlinde Mautner co-authored with Paul Baker, has now been published and is available…

Workshop, 13.06.2023

Titel: "What does ‘value’ really mean and to whom? Using tools of (corpus) linguistics to read and interpret meaning trajectories in business discourse " - D2.2.228 - 13.06.2023, 10:00 - 12:00

English Research Seminar 06.12.2022

06.12.2022 Andreas H. Jucker, University of Zurich 18:00 , D2.2.228 Titel: "Third-wave im/politeness theory: Swearwords and the company they keep"

English Research Seminar 07.11.2022

"20 key lessons about business communication from 20 years at Business Spotlight" - Ian McMaster, former editor-in-chief of Business Spotlight magazine - Time & place: 2022-November-07 18:00, room…

English Research Seminar 15.06.2022

"Examining the role and importance of small talk during performance appraisal interviews at a globalized company" - Fien De Malsche, PhD student from the University of Antwerp - Time & place:…

English Research Seminar 08.06.2022

"Causes of miscommunication in meetings – a BELF perspective" - Evan Frendo, freelance teacher, trainer and author - Time & place: 2022-June-08 18:00, room D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 18.05.2022

"Pedagogical rules and the linguistic knowledge of English teachers" - Tom Rankin, University of Linz - Time & place: 2022-May-18 17:00, room D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 28.04.2022

Proposing a Model of Creative Workplace Discourse; Prof. Michael Handford (Cardiff University); Thursday 28th of April 2022, 16:00, room D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 30.03.2022

Communicating the climate crisis: ecocritical discourse analysis and digital storytelling; Hermine Penz (University of Graz); Wednesday 30th of March, at 18:00 in room D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 14.10.2021

Presentation on the Business Communication Master’s Programme at KU Leuven, Belgium Thursday, 14 October, 18:00, D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 13.10.2021

Lecture: “Famous leaders’ stories at the interface of narrative dimensions” Thursday, 14 October, 18:00, D2.2.228

English Research Seminar 27.01.2021

‘EMEMUS online’: what does internationalised higher education look like on a university website? Ute Smit, University of Vienna - Date & time: Jan. 27, 2021 - Online

English Research Seminar 29.10.2019

Vortrag: Dr Andrew Kehoe, Birmingham City University, UK: “All our items are pre-owned and may have musty odor”: Using automated linguistic analysis techniques to study e-commerce data Zeit:…

English Research Seminar 18.06.2019

Lecture: Prof. Andrea Whittle (Newcastle University Business School) "Consequential categories: How categories in interaction work to get work done" Time: Tuesday 18.06.19, 18:15 – 19:45; …

English Research Seminar 17.05.2019

Lecture: Robert Gibson ( freelance, responsible for Intercultural Training at Siemens AG until 2018) "Navigation cultures in a VUCA world" Time: 17.05.2019 Place: WU, Building D2, Entrance D, 2nd…

English Research Seminar 10.04.2019

Workshop: Dr. Gail Forey (Senior Lecturer, University of Bath) "An introduction to Appraisal Analysis and comlaint texts" Time: 17:30 - 19:30 Place: WU, Building D2, Entrance D, 2nd floor, D2.2.228 …

English Research Seminar 09.04.2019

Lecture: Dr. Gail Forey (Senior Lecturer, University of Bath) "The Value of Meaning-focused Metalanguage for Teaching and Learning" Time: 18:15 - 19:45 Place: WU, Building D2, Entrance D, 2nd floor,…

English Research Seminar 22.10.2018

Lecture: Colleen Cotter (Queen Mary University of London) "Discourse and displacement: Following and finding news in new contexts" Time: 18:15 Place: WU, Building D2, Entrance D, 2nd floor,…

English Research Seminar 15.10.2018

Lecture: Dr. Amanda Potts (Cardiff University): 'Making a patchwork quilt or Frankenstein's monster? Interdisciplinarity and collaboration in CADS' Time: 18:15 - 19:30 Place: WU, Building D2,…

English Research Seminar 26.04.2018

Lecture: Dr. Stephanie Schnurr (University of Warwick, Centre for Applied Linguistics): Exploring ‘another side’ of internal leadership communication through self-denigrating humour Time: 18:15-…

Workshop Dr. Koller 31.01.2018

Lecture: Dr. Veronika Koller (Reader in Discourse Studies - Lancaster University, UK) wird ihr neues Buch (mit Erika Darics) Language in Business, Language at Work (Macmillan, 2018) vorstellen. …

English Research Seminar 30.01.2018

Lecture: Dr. Veronika Koller (Reader in Discourse Studies - Lancaster University, UK): Setting up an undergraduate programme in business communication: a field report Details: 18:30- 20:30; D2.2.228

Gastvortrag Dr. Robert Lawson 12.01.2018

Lecture: Dr. Robert Lawson (Birmingham City University): „#mansplaining, #manterruption and #manspreading“ Details: 12:00 - 13:30; D2.2.228