Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Martin Herles

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Dr. Martin Herles

Dr. Martin Herles

Assistant Professor

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for professor Herles' current lectures.


Martin Herles was born in Vienna in 1965. He has been an assistant at our department since May, 1991. He received his Mag.rer.soc.oec. and Dr. rer. soc. oec. degrees from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and has a Mag. phil. degree in English and Linguistics coming up from the University of Vienna.

His areas of research include text linguistics, sociolinguistics, language change in general, social security, and British cultural studies.

A full list of publications and research activities can be found in PURE.

Dr. Herles currently gives lectures on Life in Britain and the U.S. (together with Dr. Beer) and on Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Academic Writing).

Book (monograph)

2012 Beer, Alexander, Herles, Martin, Obenaus, Wolfgang. 2012. Schäfer Wirtschaftswörterbuch Finanz- und Rechnungswesen Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch. Mehr erfahren
1998 Beer, Alexander, Herles, Martin. 1998. Vienna - The Economic Hub Linking East and West. An Investor's Guide to the Most Important Legal and Economic Regulations. Mehr erfahren

Journal article

2013 Trinder, Ruth, Herles, Martin. 2013. Students' and teachers' ideals of effective business English teaching. Mehr erfahren
2001 Herles, Martin. 2001. Is one red wine much the same as another. Mehr erfahren
1998 Herles, Martin, Beer, Alexander. 1998. Das Testen von Sprachkompetenz anhand von Übersetzungen - eine Rechtfertigung. Mehr erfahren
1998 Zeilinger, Romana, Herles, Martin, Beer, Alexander. 1998. There is life outside our university!. Mehr erfahren
1996 Herles, Martin. 1996. Business English or Business in English - teaching form and substance at university level. Mehr erfahren
1995 Herles, Martin. 1995. How special can you get - why Business English needs a more general basis for a special purpose. Mehr erfahren

Chapter in edited volume

2017 Herles, Martin. 2017. The Language of Accounting In: Handbook of Business Communication. Hrsg. Gerlinde Mautner, Franz Rainer. Mehr erfahren
2001 Trinder, Ruth, Herles, Martin. 2001. Can we have more customised CD-Roms please? In: C.A.L.L. The Challenge of Change, Research and Practice, Elm Bank Publications 2001. Mehr erfahren
1998 Herles, Martin. 1998. Reflections of Attitude in the Language of Social Security In: Wirtschaftssprache. Anglistische, germanistische, romanistische und slawistische Beiträge. Festschrift für Peter Schifko, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main 1998. Mehr erfahren