Digital Ecosystems


Jorão Gomes Jr. in the FALTER.morgen series

Jorao Gomes Jr.

We congratulate Jorão on his interview in the FALTER.morgen series “Wie wird die Zukunft in 10 Jahren aussehen?”, where he shares valuable insights into how he views the future as a person under 30.
The complete interview is available at FALTER

Congratulations to Verena Dorner for being part of the newly established Vienna Doctoral College for Digital Humanism

In October 2024, WU Vienna launched the Vienna Doctoral College for Digital Humanism together with the University of Vienna and TU Wien - special thanks to Marta Sabou, WU-coordinator for the Vienna Doctoral College on Digital Humanism at WU Research. We are very much looking forward to working together with all these experts from different fields. Our goal is to build a community of digital humanists who complement each other in their research interests and get involved in lots of discussions, research projects, and events.

We hope to welcome you to our first Digital Humanism Conference in May 2025!

Applications for phd positions in the projects with Christina Schamp and Verena Dorner are open until January 31, 2025!

More details

Marta Sabou
WU Vienna
Christina Schamp
WU Vienna
Verena Dorner
WU Vienna

Offenes Stellenangebot: Tutor*in


Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams besetzen wir ab 16. Feburar 2025 bis 15. Juli 2025 eine Stelle als Tutor*in im Ausmaß von 6 Wochenstunden. Diese ausgeschriebene Stelle für Tutor*innen richtet sich ausschließlich an qualifizierte Studierende mit Behinderung und/oder chronischer Erkrankung.

Details zum Jobangebot Kennzahl 2279
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

A warm welcome to our visiting researcher Anke!

Anke Greif-Winzrieth

We are thrilled to welcome back Anke Greif-Winzrieth (KIT, Manager KD2Lab) for a research stay!
Anke will be collaborating with us to conduct exciting experiments in the WULabs, exploring foreign live biofeedback in online interactions. We are very grateful to her for sharing her expertise in experimental lab design and real life in the lab with our Master and PhD students! We also had the chance to celebrate Anke’s successful PhD defense in Karlsruhe in November – congratulations for completing you PhD!
We look forward to working together on many more research and teaching opportunities!

Verena Dorner - Panelist bei Auszeichnung der "WU Managerin des Jahres 2024: Die Zukunft ist MINT" an Patricia Neumann

11. Dezember 2024, 18 Uhr
Festsaal 1, Campus WU

Die internationale Top-Managerin Patricia Neumann ist seit 2023 Vorstandsvorsitzende der Siemens AG Österreich und damit die zweite Frau an der Spitze des Technologiekonzerns. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist es ihr daher, die Aus- und Weiterbildung in den MINT-Fächern (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik) zu stärken.

Vortrag und Diskussion:

Patricia Neumann, CEO Siemens AG Austria 


Verena Dorner, Professor for Digital Ecosystems, WU Wien

Hartwig Hufnagl, Vorstandsdirektor, ASFINAG

Iris Ortner, CEO, IGO Industries GmbH


Michael Köttritsch, Leiter des Ressorts „Management & Karriere“, Die Presse


Marco Porak, Generaldirektor, IBM Österreich

Alle Infos zur Veranstaltung & Anmeldung

Another successful PhD Network event at our Department

PhD students from all corners of WU came together in our lounge for an unforgettable evening of good vibes, great pizza, and spirited conversations. The room buzzed with fresh research ideas, shared experiences, and laughter, creating a dynamic space for connection and collaboration across departments. We also gave a warm WU welcome to our new praedocs—what better way to kick things off than with pizza and Mario Kart showdowns? Special thanks to the Department for Information Systems and Operations Management for making this epic night happen. Here’s to building a thriving community, one slice and race at a time!

Michael Scholz: Pricing in Viral Marketing Campaigns

Michael Scholz

20 November 2024, 2pm, TC.1.01 OeNB

We are very happy to welcome Michael Scholz from TH Deggendorf at the Institute for Digital Ecosystems. We are looking forward to Michael's expert talk on "Pricing in Viral Marketing Campaigns" in our Digital Economy master's program.

EPURAI 2024 – Enhancing a Citizen-Centric Public Sector with AI

6 December 2024, Campus WU

The event is organized by the Institute for Public Management and Governance and the Institute for Digital Ecosystems in collaboration with the World Bank.

This one-day workshop will be organized into themed sessions consisting of academic-style presentations and lightning talks. Breakout sessions will be built into the program to allow for participant networking on topics of common interest. A roundtable of academics and practitioners will be held at the end of the workshop, bringing together its major themes and outlining a roadmap for future research and action.


Marija Slavkovik, University of Bergen

João Ricardo Vasconcelos, World Bank

Verena Dorner, WU Vienna

Gerhard Embacher-Köhle, BRZ

Lisa Neuhofer, BRZ

more information & registration

You want to take part in an experiment at WULABS?

logo wu labs

Support our researchers @WU by signing up for WULABS! Earn money for participating in experiments, on campus and online. Both students and non-students are welcome!

Interested? Please sign up at WULABS

Digital Resilience. Europas Zukunft am Prüfstand

15. Oktober 2024, 18 Uhr, Festsaal 2, Campus WU

Die Veranstaltung wird vom Department für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Management in Kooperation mit organisiert.

Wie stark und resilient ist Europas digitale Wirtschaft im globalen Wettbewerb angesichts von aktuellen weltwirtschaftlichen und weltpolitischen Trends? Wo liegen die Stärken Europas? Vor welchen Herausforderungen steht die europäische Digitalwirtschaft? Wie kann der Weg Europas in die Zukunft aussehen?


Verena Dorner, Leiterin des Instituts für Digital Ecosystems, WU Wien


Damian Izdebski, Gründer & CEO, techbold

Viktoria Robertson, Leiterin der Abteilung für Kartellrecht und Digitalisierung, WU Wien

Nina Strempfl, Head of Digital Products & Culture, ÖBB

Alexander Windbichler, Gründer & CEO, Anexia


Axel Polleres, Head of Department of Information Systems & Operations Management, WU Wien

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!


Eine Aufzeichnung des Events ist hier verfügbar.

A warm welcome to our students in WU's master's program Digital Economy

Verena Dorner und Alexander Prosser

The Institute for Digital Ecosystems is pleased to welcome our students to WU's Master’s in Digital Economy’s Program and congratulate you on your successful admission!

We are delighted that you are joining us for the start of the winter term 2024/25 and wish you all the best for your first semester at WU.

Sri Harikrishnan at the WorldCIST'24 Conference in Lodz

Sri Harikrishnan

I had a productive experience presenting our paper “Cost Effective Predictive Railway Track Maintenance” at the WorldCIST'24 conference held in Lodz, Poland. The paper, co-authored with Professor Verena Dorner and Shahrom Sohi, delves into applying machine learning algorithms to predict future maintenance costs of railway tracks. The research focuses on how predictive maintenance can be made more cost—and resource-effective, ensuring efficient planning and allocation for railway infrastructure. This approach not only enhances the longevity and safety of the tracks but also optimizes the use of available resources. I am happy to have been part of the conference.

Jorão Gomes Jr. attended IAMOT 2024 in Porto

Jorão Gomes Jr. presented the paper “Who Governs the Chain? An Investigation into Decentralized Governance on Blockchain Communities” in the "Emerging Technologies Adoption" session on behalf of his co-authors Kenneth Qua and Verena Dorner at the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2024) conference in Porto, Portugal. Jorão
The conference in Porto provided an excellent platform to connect and set up new collaborations with technology management researchers!

DECO at ECIS 2024

Three of our doctoral students Kenneth Qua, Jorão Gomes and Santiago Ruiz attended The 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). This is Santiago’s first conference as a doctoral student where he got to participate and present his work at the Emergent Technologies, DEI, and Sustainable Humanitarian Progress workshop. Kenneth & Jorao presented their paper “Loose Change for Live Streaming: An Experimental Investigation on Online Tipping Denomination” in the Blockchain and Fintech track on behalf of their co-authors Markus Lengauer, Verena Dorner and Stephan Fally. The conference was on the idyllic Cypriot coast in the city of Paphos where our team got to connect and setup new collaborations with information systems scholars from all over the world!

Jorão Gomes Jr. visits INESC TEC

Jorão is visiting the Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering Technology and Science (INESC TEC) in Porto, Portugal. He is very happy to be selected for the INESC TEC International Visiting Researcher Program 2023 fellowship. During his stay, Jorão will explore the role of Generative AI in Supply Chain Management. His research will focus on understanding the impact of AI technologies to enhance decision-making, efficiency, collaboration, and innovation across business practices.

We wish you an exciting research stay!

Verena Dorner - Panelist bei “Maschine vs Moral. Künstliche Intelligenz als Gamechanger für Integrität und Compliance“

Panelist*innen diskutieren


Im Rahmen des Österreichischen Anti-Korruptionstages des Bundesministeriums für Inneres am 15. Mai 2024 im Josephinum der Medizinischen Universität Wien, nahm Verena Dorner als Panelist an der Podiumsdiskussion “Auswirkungen der KI auf Demokratie und Gesellschaft” teil.

Gemeinsam mit

Peter Knees, Associate Professor an der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität Wien
Michael Funk, Professor für Informatik und Gesellschaft an der Universität Wien
Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security - Austrian Institute of Technology
unter der Moderation von Gerald Groß, Geschäftsführer von gross:media und Medientrainer

wurde über unterschiedliche Aspekte der Entwicklung von Demokratien unter dem Einfluss von KI diskutiert. Herzlichen Dank für die Gelegenheit, Teil des Panels zu sein!

Verena Dorner: KI, Emotionen und Entscheidungen

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
Society. Technology. Sustainablity.

24. Mai 2024, 18:30 Uhr, TC Gebäude

Bei Entscheidungen verlassen wir uns immer öfter auf Technologie. Was bringt AI Advice wirklich? Worauf muss man dabei aufpassen? Und wie kann man Bias und Vorurteile vermeiden?

Alle Details zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier

Eine Aufzeichnung des Events ist hier verfügbar.

Der digitale Euro

In the WU matters.WU talks. series
22 Mai 2024, 18 Uhr, LC Gebäude

Vor 25 Jahren wurde der Euro als Buchgeld eingeführt und hat seither eine Schlüsselrolle in der europäischen Integration gespielt. Mit dem Euro-Bargeld wurde 2002 ein weiterer Meilenstein erreicht. Im digitalen Zahlungsverkehr gibt es jedoch noch keinen einheitlichen europäischen Standard. Was bedeutet das für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Europas? Wann kommt der digitale Euro? Und wie kann er als Plattform für Innovation und Wachstum dienen? Expert*innen der OeNB und WU erläutern, wie das interoperable System die Effizienz steigert und Kosten senkt, Barrieren ab- und Vertrauen aufbaut und so die unternehmerische Produktentwicklung ankurbelt.

Verena Dorner, Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leiterin des Instituts für Digital Ecosystems, WU Wien
Petia Niederländer, Direktorin der Hauptabteilung Zahlungsverkehr, Risikoüberwachung und Finanzbildung, OeNB
Guido Schäfer, Ao. Professor, Department of Economics, WU Wien
Matthias Schroth, Direktor der Hauptabteilung für Bargeld, Beteiligungen und Interne Dienste, OeNB

moderiert von Marlies Faulmann, OeNB


Eine Aufzeichnung der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier

AI in Digital Government. Balancing innovation and data sovereignty. WU joins the World Bank GovTech network!

In the WU matters.WU talks. series
10 April, 6pm, LC Building

Changing your place of residence, renewing your passport, applying for a postal voting card – digital services simplify public administration. Now AI is set to revolutionize digital government services (GovTech). How can GovTech leverage AI to swiftly adjust to the changing needs of diverse citizen groups? How can AI assist in the sustainable digital transformation in low- and middle-income countries? And what does that mean for data sovereignty? What is a good balance between inclusive, convenient government services and control over your data?

João Ricardo Vasconcelos, Senior Governance Specialist, GovTech Global Partnership, World Bank

Alexander Banfield-Mumb, Deputy Head of Department Digital Strategies and Innovation, Federal Ministry of Finance
Tiago Peixoto, Senior Public Sector Specialist, World Bank
Ana Simic, Member of the supervisory boards of ASFINAG and EuroTeleSites AG
Jurgen Willems, Professor for Public Management and Governance, WU

moderated by Verena Dorner, Professor for Digital Ecosystems, WU

Join us for a timely debate about how AI will reshape digital government services. Registration

You were unable to attend? Please find the video of the event here.

Another successful PhD Network event at WU!

PhD students from across WU came together for an evening of camaraderie, pizza, and stimulating conversations. It was wonderful to witness the exchange of research ideas and experiences, fostering a supportive community among our young researchers across various departments. The event was also a warm welcome to several new praedocs who have joined WU. We are grateful for our visiting researcher Maike Althaus from the University of Paderborn for attending the event and we would be delighted to have her at our institute in the future! Special thanks to the Department for Information Systems and Operations Management for their unwavering support, without which such gatherings wouldn't be possible.

Welcome back, Maike!

Maike Althaus

Maike Althaus, research assistant at the Chair of Business Information Systems, esp. Digital Markets at Paderborn University, is visiting the Institute for Digital Ecosystems to discuss the follow-up study to our last experiment.
We look forward to inspiring discussions!

Wir begrüßen unsere neue Kollegin Elizaveta Yoshida

Elizaveta Yoshida

Elizaveta Yoshida verstärkt ab sofort unser Team. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit und heißen Elizaveta ganz herzlich willkommen!

Kenneth Qua presents at the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences in Honolulu, Hawaii

I had an enriching discussion after presenting my paper, co-authored with Professor Verena Dorner and Akos Barta, titled “See It, Say It: Encouraging Citizen Reporting of Sustainability and Inclusivity Infrastructure Issues in Cities”.
The paper discusses how citizen reporting can be encouraged to improve public infrastructure issues in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11 on creating sustainable and inclusive cities. Read the full paper here.

Anke, it was great to have you at our institute

Anke Greif-Winzrieth

We were very happy to welcome back Anke Greif-Winzrieth (KIT, Manager KD2Lab), for a research and teaching stay! Anke’s joint expert talk with Julian Quandt, manager of WULabs, in our Digital Economy master’s program really helped our students improve their experimental design and planning, thank you! It was great to continue work on our ongoing research project on foreign live biofeedback – we’re excited for the results from that study!
Hope to see you again soon in #Karlsruhe or #Vienna!

Kitchen party magic


Thank you all again for coming over and chasing off mid-November blues with celebration and laughter (and chocolate)! Until next time! Your deco team

Welcome back, Maike!

Maike Althaus

Maike Althaus, research assistant at the Chair of Business Information Systems, esp. Digital Markets at Paderborn University, is visiting the Institute for Digital Ecosystems to complete data collection for the experiment we planned when she was last here.
We are looking forward to taking this next step in our research project together!