Die Erholunsgzone vor dem D4 Gebäude über dem Brunnen.

The Art of Teaching 2024

20. Juni 2024

Jana Hlavinova presents her teaching project in the field of “Digital Teaching Innovations” at the poster vernissage.

"Good teaching is an art". In line with this motto, WU has decided to create a new event to put outstanding teaching in the spotlight. The Art of Teaching will take place for the first time on 20 June 2024 and will provide the festive setting for the 2024 Teaching Awards ceremony.

The Art of Teaching will open at 3.00 pm in the LC Galerie, with a lecture by Eva-Maria Stadler, Professor of Art and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. From there, we will move to the LC Forum, where we will enjoy the poster vernissage with drinks and snacks before the official presentation of the Teaching Awards 2024 together with Rector Rupert Sausgruber at 5.00 pm (Festsaal 2). Detailed information and the registration for the event can be found on the homepage.

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