Studierende sitzen im Outdoorbereich vor dem LC Gebäude

Vienna Animal Studies

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An interdisciplinary and cross-institutional group dedicated to research and outreach

The Vi­en­na Ani­mal Stu­dies group and its mem­bers are deeply com­mit­ted to ad­van­cing cri­ti­cal ani­mal stu­dies th­rough in­sight­ful re­se­arch, en­ga­ging blog posts, and thought-​provoking pu­bli­ca­ti­ons. Their goal is to bridge the gap bet­ween aca­de­mia, ac­ti­vism, and pu­blic awa­ren­ess, fos­te­ring a ri­cher un­der­stan­ding of ani­mals' lives. 

WU's Dr Doris Schnee­ber­ger and Dr Clau­dia Hir­ten­fel­der are among the foun­ding mem­bers.

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