We are an interdisciplinary team representing social and natural sciences, and the humanities. We are dedicated to fostering research-, teaching-, and outreach- collaboration on and beyond our university's campus.
To learn more about our individual research activities, click here.
Core Team
Sigrid Stagl
Milda Zilinskaite
Christian Rammel
Fellows (voluntary support)
Eva Maria Basantpreet
Marlene Gruber

Kateřina Krebsová
Back in 2021-2023 Kateřina led the STaR SDG-Videos project. She prepared research materials, coordinated communications with 50+ participants, and participated in the filming and post-production. She is now back with STaR to work on the Sustainable Work Lab initiative.
Kateřina is CEMS alumna. See her LinkedIn profile.
Visiting Scholars

Aljaz Kuncic
Development Coordination Officer with the United Nations (DCO RCO Tirana, Albania); STaR Visiting Scholar, Spring-Summer 2023. See Aljaz's LinkedIn profile.
Student Support
We are grateful to all our student and project assistants, who have supported STaR on various projects and inspired many new ideas throughout the years.

Rohan Simon
[Summer, 2022 - Winter, 2025] As STaR Graduate Assistant and Temporary Co-manager, Rohan (WU MBA, Finance) helped the team to maintain the STaR Website and LinkedIn page, hosted events to raise awareness on various sustainability topics, and participated in the filming of the SDG-Video series. He also created the informational page STaR intro to ESG Here's Rohan's LinkedIn profile.

Luca Ali
[2023 Spring - 2024 Winter] STaR Project Assistant and Temporary Co-Manager (SEEP Master's program) Luca helped with everyday operational processes and organised events for external stakeholders. She also worked on making the cross-campus Green Buddies initiatve more prominent, and assisted in the dissemination of the Refugee Talents brochure. Here's Luca's LinkedIn profile.

María Díaz Macías
[Spring, 2021-Summer, 2022] Graduate Student Assistant (CEMS Master's program) at the Institute for International Business, part-time support for STaR. Maria helped us to improve STaR social media strategy, contributed new website contents, and was indispensable for the NBS SCC 2021 Workshop. Here's Maria's LinkedIn profile.

Teresa Riosa
[Spring-Summer, 2022] Teresa supported us with several aspects of STaR Humanitarian Aid Hub initiative, including research for and compilation of #Humanitarian Crisis: How Can We All Help? table and the awareness campaign via social media. Here's Teresa's LinkedIn profile.

Viktoriia Babii
[Spring-Summer, 2022] Viktoria supported us with the ViaGerman initiative. Founded and run by WU (CEMS) alumnus Lukas Pichler, the project helped Ukrainian children in Vienna to learn German. Free lessons were offered by student, faculty, and alumni volunteers. Viktoriia, originally herself from Ukraine as well, coordinated social media outreach and helped the program to grow.

Alisa Tkash
[Spring-Summer, 2022] Alisa supported us with the ViaGerman Initiative. Founded and run by WU (CEMS) alumnus Lukas Pichler, the project helped Ukrainian children in Vienna to learn German. Free lessons were offered by student, faculty, and alumni volunteers. Alisa, originally from Eastern Ukraine, took care of communication with parents and other stakeholders. Alisa's LinkedIn.

Susan Üstün
[Fall 2020] STaR Graduate Student Assistant (SEEP Master's program). Susan helped us to enhance the Sustainability@WU and For Students pages, and to start the collection of STaR Resources. Where is Susan heading now? Here is her LinkedIn, and a link to a podcast she co-produces: Inside Impact.

Dorian Aigner
[Summer 2020] STaR Graduate Student Assistant (CEMS Master's program). Dorian collected the first round of Thesis Writing for Impact topics, conducted student interviews, and helped our team to launch the Sustainability@WU page. Where is he heading now? Here's Dorian's LinkedIn profile.