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Civil Society-Monitoring in CEE

“Civil Society-Monitoring in CEE” is a monitoring study conducted by the Competence Center for NPOs and SE in collaboration with the ERSTE Foundation and a group of local experts in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of the project is to reveal recent developments in the Civil Society sector in 16 CEE-countries*) as well as to enhance the visibility of the sector and to improve the public perception of its many facets. As part of this process, the study also seeks to strengthen Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs) awareness of being an integrative part of Civil Society. In addition, by involving researchers from various countries, the study furthermore aims to promote networking in the scientific communities as well as to support future research efforts on the topic of Civil Society.

For this purpose of the current study, it is planned to conduct an online-survey addressing a minimum of 100 CSOs per country in various fields of activity. This approach allows practitioners to voice their opinion on the current state of Civil Society in their respective countries, as valuable addition to existing monitoring studies often presenting the assessment of relatively small groups of experts. Therefore, the CSO-representatives are being addressed as experts for their respective field of activity. Thus, the current study aims to provide a broader basis for the assessment of the current situation as well as future development trends in Civil Society in the participating countries.

The findings will be presented in a final report containing an overview chapter as well as individual chapters for all 16 countries covered in the study. Our goal is to establish a continuous monitoring of Civil Society in the CEE-region and therefore to repeat the monitoring process on a yearly basis.

Mag.rer.soc.oec. Eva More-Hollerweger

Eva More-Hollerweger

Senior-Researcherin, Obfrau des NPO-Instituts (Verein)
Aufgaben: NPOs, Zivilgesellschaft, Freiwilligenarbeit, Evaluationen und strategisches Management.

*) Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.