Das TC Gebäude bei Nacht.


Welcome to the Institute for Information Management and Control.

The institute belongs to the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management.

Consultation of Staff Members

For information on the consulting conditions regarding our staff members please refer to the respective staff member's detail page. Links to the detail pages of all our staff members are located on our staff list.

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Teaching and Research Associate at the Institute for Information Management and Control (ID 2302)

Sie möchten Zusammenhänge verstehen und Grundlegendes bewegen? Bei uns finden Sie das Umfeld, in dem Sie Ihr Potenzial entfalten können. An einer der größten und modernsten Wirtschaftsuniversitäten…

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Women in STEM Workshop 2024

Are you a female student and considering a career in STEM?

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SBWL Practitioner Talk 31.05.2024

Date: 31 May 2024 Guest talks: 11:30 - 13:00 at TC 4.03 (WU) Get-together: 13:00 - 14:30 at IMC Lounge (WU D2)  On  31.05.2024 from 11:30-14:30, our institute will host a Practitioner Talk for…