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Verena Köck has been awarded the Dr. Marie Schaumayer Stiftung prize for dissertation.

31. März 2025

The Dr. Marie Schaumayer Stiftung prize is awarded to the best dissertations of a year.

The Dr. Maria Schaumayer Foundation serves to promote science, in particular the scientific research and achievements of women in the fields of natural sciences, economics and political sciences as well as adult education. In particular, scientific research and achievements of Austrian women are to be promoted.

Verena Köck from the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics has been awarded for her work "Deep neural network methods for partial integro-differential equations with applications in finance, insurance and economics".



From left to right: Dr Helga Wagner, Chairwoman of the Foundation, Verena Köck, Maria Rauch-Kallat, Deputy Chairwoman

© Verena Köck
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