Summer semester 2024
AI for All
AI in Digital Government
Brands Adapting to Change
Sexual Harassment in Organizations
The Digital Euro
EU matters
The Climate Crisis as a Driver of Housing Law Reforms?
EU Finances: Quo Vadis?

EU Finances: Quo Vadis? | WU…
In April 2023, the EU Commission presented reform proposals for the EU fiscal rules of the Stability and Growth Pact. The proposed medium-term orientation would give the member states more flexibility, but it would also be accompanied by stronger bilateral rule boundaries. Will this accelerate the necessary public (climate) investments? And will it reduce economic imbalances in the member states? Together with experts, we will outline the main features of the reform proposal and discuss its implications.
Cinzia Alcidi, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels
Panel discussion
Cinzia Alcidi, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels
Tim Joris Kaiser, European Commission Representation in Austria
Birgit Niessner, Director of the Economic Analysis and Research Department at the OeNB
Atanas Pekanov, Economist at WIFO, Deputy Prime Minister of the Bulgarian Caretaker Cabinets May–December 2021, August 2022–June 2023
Moderated by
Gabriel Felbermayr, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO); professor of economic policy, WU Vienna
AI for All

AI for All | WU matters. WU…
Due to the rapid advancements of generative AI models capable of crafting texts and images, the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence is now everywhere. The rise of AI has only just begun, but the technology is already ubiquitous, for example in research, medicine, and even art. How will the use of AI change our personal and professional lives? Who will be most impacted by the AI revolution? And how can we ensure that the benefits of AI are evenly distributed across all segments of society? Join us for a panel discussion where experts will explore strategies for responsible and informed AI adoption.
Christina Schamp, Full Professor, Head of the Institute for Digital Marketing & Behavioral Insights, WU Vienna
Alexandra Ebert, Chief Trust Officer at MOSTLY AI, Forbes 30 Under 30, Responsible AI, Privacy & GDPR Expert
Tibor Merey, Managing Director and Partner at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Expert on Digital Transformations
Christina Schamp,Full Professor, Head of the Institute for Digital Marketing & Behavioral Insights, WU Vienna
Moderated by
Melanie Clegg, Assistant Professor, Institute for Digital Marketing & Behavioral Insights, WU Vienna
AI in Digital Government

AI in Digital Government | WU…
Changing your place of residence, renewing your passport, applying for a postal voting card – digital services simplify public administration. Now AI is set to revolutionize digital government services (GovTech). How can GovTech leverage AI to swiftly adjust to the changing needs of diverse citizen groups? How can AI assist in the sustainable digital transformation in low- and middle-income countries? And what does that mean for data sovereignty? What is a good balance between inclusive, convenient government services and control over your data? Join us for a timely debate about how AI will reshape digital government services.
João Ricardo Vasconcelos, Senior Governance Specialist, GovTech Global Partnership, World Bank
Alexander Banfield-Mumb, Deputy Head of Department Digital Strategies and Innovation, Federal Ministry of Finance
Tiago Peixoto, Senior Public Sector Specialist, World Bank
Ana Simic, Member of the supervisory boards of ASFINAG and EuroTeleSites AG
Jurgen Willems, Professor for Public Management and Governance, WU Vienna
Moderated by
Verena Dorner, Professor for Digital Ecosystems, WU Vienna
Brands Adapting to Change

Brands Adapting to Change | WU…
Modern times require resilience and change. To remain competitive, companies must adapt constantly. Brands that are not committed to social responsibility and sustainability will be boycotted. How do you “think into the future” when it comes to brand development? Should companies take a stand on current issues? How do you balance global versus local perspectives to meet all interests? And how can tradition be reconciled with modern values? Experts will provide insights into brand development strategies that involve thinking outside the box.
Stijn De Wit, Head of Group Marketing Communications at Mayr-Melnhof (MM)
David Eder, WU-Marketing Club President, WU Vienna
Julia Tristl, CEMS Master Student, WU Vienna
Moderated by
Vignesh Nambiar, Teaching & Research Assistant at Institute for Organization Design, SIMC Student, WU Vienna
Sexual Harassment in Organizations

Sexual Harassment in…
Sexual harassment represents a prevalent and persistent issue that poses significant challenges to workplace environments, individual well-being, equality, and overall organizational performance. In light of this concern, the objective of the panel discussion is to investigate employees’ and organizations’ experiences and responses pertaining to sexual harassment within both the European Union (EU) context as well as Austria.
The panel will include experts from academia, research institutions, and pertinent agencies who possess extensive knowledge in studying or addressing various aspects related to sexual harassment within organizational settings. Through their diverse perspectives, the participants will present insights derived from empirical research findings alongside practical experiences.
The discussion will include an exploration of legal frameworks governing sexual harassment policies across EU member states. Moreover, attention will be directed towards examining the extent of the issue, and towards the challenges encountered by organizations when handling incidents of sexual harassment. Strategies employed by organizations for prevention purposes, available support systems for survivors/victims, and the potential consequences for perpetrators involved in these forms of organizational misconduct will also be discussed.
Ultimately, this panel discussion aims to provide valuable insights into enhancing organizational responses concerning prevention efforts and effective management strategies relating to sexual harassment. It further seeks to promote inclusive work environments that foster professional growth regardless of one’s gender identity or expression.
Ana Belén Amil, Gender Equality and Diversity Officer, Central European University
Cornelia Amon-Konrath, Deputy Head of the Ombud for Equal Treatment, Head of Consulting Standards and Strategies, attorney-at-law
Helena Hierzer, WU Alumna
Sophie Rendl, expert on violence prevention, antidiscrimination, and #MeToo in the arts, Frauendomäne
Esther Reiserer, journalist specializing in management and career topics, Die Presse
Moderated by
Marie-Therese Claes, Full Professor, Head of the Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna
Andrea Romo Pérez, Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations, WU Vienna
The Digital Euro

Der digitale Euro | WU matters.…
The euro was introduced as book money 25 years ago, and it has played a key role in European integration ever since. A further milestone was reached in 2002 with the introduction of euro cash. However, there is still no uniform European standard for digital payments. What does this mean for Europe’s competitiveness? When will the digital euro be launched? And how can it serve as a platform for innovation and growth? Experts from the OeNB and WU explain how the interoperable system increases efficiency and reduces costs, breaks down barriers, and builds trust, thus boosting product development in business.
Verena Dorner, Professor of Information Systems, Head of the Institute for Digital Ecosystems, WU Vienna
Petia Niederländer, Director of the Payments, Risk Monitoring and Financial Literacy Department, OeNB
Guido Schäfer, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, WU Vienna
Matthias Schroth, Director of the Cash Management, Equity Interests and Internal Services Department, OeNB
Moderated by
Marlies Faulmann, OeNB
EU matters

Europawahl 2024: Wendepunkt für…
From June 6 to 9, the citizens of the European Union will elect their representatives to the European Parliament. The EU member states are facing major challenges: crises, wars and conflicts, changes in the labor market brought about by AI and labor shortages, and migration. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE) have invited the leading Austrian candidates to participate in a Europa Club panel discussion at WU. Before the discussion, Gabriel Felbermayr, professor at WU and director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), will give a keynote speech addressing the topics of security and prosperity in Europe. The event will be moderated by Paul Schmidt, secretary general of ÖGfE.
Gabriel Felbermayr, WU Professor and WIFO Director
Helmut Brandstätter, Member of the National Council and lead candidate for the EU elections, NEOS
Reinhold Lopatka, lead candidate for the EU elections, ÖVP
Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Deputy Head of Delegation of the SPÖ in the EU Parliament and EU election candidate, SPÖ
Lena Schilling, lead candidate for the EU elections, Die Grünen
Petra Steger, Member of the Austrian National Council and EU election candidate, FPÖ
Moderated by
Paul Schmidt, ÖGfE Secretary General
The Climate Crisis as a Driver of Housing Law Reforms?

Klimakrise als Reformmotor des…
Housing is scarce and expensive. Austrian housing law, especially tenancy law, has attracted much criticism for a long time. Everyone agrees on one thing: The fragmented nature of the current situation is not only confusing but also unfair and detrimental to investments. However, several attempts at creating an easier-to-understand framework have failed. What would be the way to go to get the long overdue reform on track? And can the climate crisis maybe help to speed up the modernization efforts needed? Together with experts, we’ll be discussing ways out of the crisis in Austrian housing and tenancy law.
Keynote speaker and moderator
Stefan Perner, Full Professor, Chair of the Department of Private Law, WU Vienna
Katharina Fröch, VChair of the Architecture Section of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants, Expert Lay Judge at the Administrative Court of Lower Austria, Chair of the Lower Austrian Architectural Design Board
Karin Ramser, Director, Wiener Wohnen
Markus Reithofer, Managing Shareholder of Reithofer Immobilienbewertung GmbH, Member of the Board of the ÖVI
Johannes Stabentheiner, Honorary Professor, JKU Linz and Federal Ministry of Justice
Cilli Wiltschko, Head of Project Development, Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte
Cloud Empires

Tech giants have come to rule the internet like autocrats. How did this happen? The internet was supposed to liberate us from gatekeepers, but it has done the opposite. Only if we understand digital platforms for what they are – institutions as powerful as the state – we can begin the work of democratizing them. Digital economy expert Vili Lehdonvirta explores the rise of the platform economy into statelike dominance over our lives, discusses existing regulatory approaches, and outlines a new way forward to regain control.
Isabell Claus, Managing Director, thinkers GmbH
Vili Lehdonvirta, Professor of Economic Sociology and Digital Social Research, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
Thomas Reutterer, Professor, Head of the Institute for Marketing & Customer Analytics, WU Vienna
Viktoria Robertson, Professor of Competition Law and Digitalization, WU Vienna
Moderated by
Michael Stampfer, Managing Director, WWTF
Women to the Top!

The number of management board positions held by women doubled in Austria from 2018 to 2023. This may sound like considerable progress, but the absolute figures paint a different picture. The proportion of women in management positions is still low, and the so-called leaky pipeline continues to drip. How can we achieve gender equality in corporate management? How much political intervention is useful? Do we need a statutory quota for women in management? And what would be the consequences? Together with experts, we’ll be discussing ways for eliminating systematic entry and career advancement barriers for women.
Keynote speaker and moderator
Zoltán Novotny-Farkas, Professor of International Accounting, WU Vienna
Sabine Bothe, Head of People and Culture, Erste Bank and Erste Group
Isabella Grabner, Professor of Strategy and Managerial Accounting, WU Vienna
Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle, Political scientist and legal expert
Eva Weissenberger, Head of the Digital Media & Communication Department, Austrian Economic Chamber