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Successful Kick-Off Meeting of the EU-Project LIV_IN at the WU Vienna

The first project meeting of the new EU-Project LIV_IN took place on May 29-20 at the WU Vienna. In addition to interactive workshop sessions, the 33 participants also exchanged through exciting…

External Seminars for Bachelor Students

The Institute for Managing Sustainability organized closing seminars for its Bachelor courses in Reichenau an der Rax at Gasthof Flackl. The students took part in a business simulation game and gained…

European Sustainable Development Week

The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) 2018 runs from May 30 to June 5, 2018 The Institute for Managing Sustainability, which coordinates and manages the European Sustainable Development…

Panel discussion with actor and cabaret artist Florian Scheuba on "Humor and Sustainability"

Humor attracts attention, triggers positive emotions, and strengthens group cohesion. In contrast, environmental protection and social responsibility are often perceived as a "buzz kill". American…

Guest lecture by Herbert Schlossnikl (Director of Vöslauer Mineralwasser AG)

The courses offered by the Institute for Managing Sustainability provide insights into sustainability practice. In the summer semester 2018 we were able to invite Herbert Schlossnikl, technical…

Presentation of the EU Project COMPASS at the "Long Night of Research"

The WU opened its doors to the public for the first time on April 13th, 2018, for the „Long Night of Research“. Exciting lectures and information stands inspired exchange and discussions, and food…

Government delegation from Sri Lanka visits the Institute for Managing Sustainability

A highly ranked Sri Lankan delegation visited the Institute for Managing Sustainability on April 12th, 2018, in order to learn more about the economic and political aspects of resource efficiency and…

Impulse speech for a good cause – Rigips Saint-Gobain donates 800 Euros to the initiative “More Than One Perpsective”

At Rigips, sustainability management has been self-evident for many years. As a result, the Rigips-Leaders-Day was held on April 9, 2018 at Grundlsee under the title "Sustainable and Dynamic into the…

Guest lecture "Sustainability Management in Practice" by Michael Sgiarovello (Henkel CEE)

The Institute for Managing Sustainability organized a guest lecture on "Sustainability Management in Practice" on November 29, 2017. Mag. Michael Sgiarovello, Head of Corporate Communications at…

„Best of Austria“ Award for the education project WAYS 2 SUSTAIN

On the occasion of the UN World Action Program "Education for Sustainable Development", the Institute for Managing Sustainability was awarded the "Education for Sustainable Development - BEST OF…