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[Translate to English:] LIV_IN_Smart_Universities

Exchange of experiences in university distance teaching

Due to the Corona crisis distance teaching increased rapidly worldwide. The challenges are substantial, but also new innovative concepts and opportunities emerged.

[Translate to English:] WSTW

Guest Lecture by Ing. Gernot Sauer & Mag. Christian Fencz (Wiener Stadtwerke)

Every semester, the Institute for Managing Sustainability holds practical lectures for students as part of its courses. In the summer semester 2020 Gernot Sauer and Christian Fencz provided insights…

Responsible Innovation Stories: New interview series with responsibility experts launched

“Responsible Innovation Stories” is the new interview series on Responsible Innovation in the ICT sector that the Institute for Managing Sustainability has recently launched. Each week’s story…

EU project RE-SOURCING: Successful project Kick-off meeting at the WU Vienna

The first meeting of the EU project ‘RE-SOURCING – A Global Stakeholder Platform for Responsible Sourcing’ took place at the Vienna University of Economics and Business from the 16th-18th of December…

External seminars for Bachelor students in Reichenau an der Rax

The Institute for Managing Sustainability organized external seminars at Gasthof Flackl in December.

„Innovation needs responsibility“, André Martinuzzi says in his commentary in the STANDARD Magazine “Karriere”

In his article, André Martinuzzi advocates for a better combination of innovation and sustainability. It is not enough to just develop sustainable products, he says, but we need far-reaching changes…

[Translate to English:] Gastvortrag Plasa

Practice lecture by DI Dr. Christian Plas (denkstatt)

Every semester, the Institute for Managing Sustainability holds practical lectures for students as part of its courses. In the winter semester 2019/20 Christian Plas, the founder of the sustainability…

ESDN Conference 2019: Towards a Sustainable Europe 2030 – From Reflection to Action

The European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) Conference 2019, “Towards a Sustainable Europe 2030 – From Reflection to Action”, took place in Helsinki, Finland on 30-31 October 2019. The…

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New Eurostat report analysing EU progress towards its Europe 2020 targets

On 7 October 2019, Eurostat published its most recent flagship publication “Smarter, greener, more inclusive? – Indicators to Support the Europe 2020 strategy”. The report monitors the EU’s progress…

The WU's impacts on the environment, society, and the future

With over 20,000 students, the WU is one of the most important business schools in Europe. With several thousand scientific publications every year, the WU also has a considerable influence on the…