[Translate to English:] Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

Guest Lecture by Ing. Gernot Sauer & Mag. Christian Fencz (Wiener Stadtwerke)


Every semester, the Institute for Managing Sustainability holds practical lectures for students as part of its courses. In the summer semester 2020 Gernot Sauer and Christian Fencz provided insights into the experiences and perspectives of the innovation and sustainability management at Wiener Stadtwerke.

The Wiener Stadtwerke is the most important Infrastructure service provider in the greater Vienna area. The group includes Wien Energie, Wiener Netze, Wiener Linien, Wiener Lokalbahnen, WIPARK, Facilitycomfort, Upstream Mobility as well as Funeral and Cemeteries Vienna. The Wiener Stadtwerke is working to proactively maintain and improve the quality of life in Vienna and create lasting value for customers and employees. They face up to the challenge of the future and want to expand their position as Austria's largest municipal infrastructure service provider further.

In their presentation, Gernot Sauer and Christan Fencz talked about their daily work, their goals and the challenges they face. Current challenges include climate change, increasing digitalization and demographic changes. Following the credo "to create added value for customers with new products and services and through their further development", customer behavior is always at the center of attention in order to meet the needs of future generations. The interplay between innovation and sustainability is particularly exciting and almost unique, as they are both located in one department of the Wiener Stadtwerke. Afterwards, students had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the speakers.

[Translate to English:] WSTW_Herausforderungen
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