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The Four Levels of Listening (EN)


Workshop | LC.2.400 Clubroom | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Four Levels of Listening (EN)

Ana Bernardes Profile image

The four levels of listening help you to take the power of the group to the next level.

With expert guest facilitator Ana Bernardes.

ContextIn this practical workshop, psychologist Ana Bernardes will use MIT’s Theory U concept (developed by Otto Scharmer) and invite you to experience first-hand how individual self-responsibility can impact and change the collective. Ana Bernardes works as an trainer and facilitator with a focus on embodiment and movement in corporate and educational contexts.
Goals & Skills
  • Brief introduction to the Theory U framework
  • Physical exercised to understand on a physical and personal level when the different levels of listening are useful
  • Applying the theoretical framework to your real-life situations
  • Working with Social Presencing Theater
  • cultivating presence and self-awareness for better collaboration with colleagues
  • improving your communication and listening skills through embodied practice
  • Registration for the workshop is closed.

  • Limited spaces - on a first come, first served basis. Can't join? Please let us know in time so we can offer your spot to another student. 
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