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Relax to perform: The basics of embodied efficiency


Online Talk | Zoom | 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Relax to perform: The basics of embodied efficiency

Interactive Talk

"Minimum effort, maximum output." - is the motto of many success-driven people in Silicone Valley and other business hotspots. Some metrics might be helpful to measure success, but the human body has its own unique way to efficiency that cannot be tapped into with linear thinking.

ContextOur culture is strongly influenced by the belief that working harder and doing more gets us better results. What if we have been getting it wrong? What if you consider the idea that the human body loves ease and efficiency. But in a very different way of how our left-brain dominated culture has made us believe.
Topics to explore
  • Contemplate how you have arrived at your biggest accomplishments so far
  • What roles do joy and ease play in efficiency and success?
  • What are your individual embodied metrics to observe if you're making progress or not?
  • Identifying unnecessary efforts on the mental, emotional and physical planes
  • Sign up for this interactive talk here.
  • Be kind: if you can't make it, please drop us a line in time so we can offer your spot to another student.
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