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The WU Vienna Center for Strategic Business Analytics brings together researchers, industry professionals, and students to conduct cutting-edge, world-class research in data-driven decision making. Utilizing the diverse methodological expertise of its members, it facilitates the application of data science techniques for business problems. 

Teaching and thesis supervision


CSBA is expanding its teaching and thesis supervision

The CSBA introduced several new courses covering different aspects of Business Analytics.

In the Master-level course "Machine Learning for Business Analytics", offered in the winter semester, students learn to apply state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques to analyze business data and generate predictions.

The Master-level course "Managing the Cybersecurity Function" course (offered in summer semester) covers contemporary cybersecurity threats for organizations and their impact on decision making and resource allocation, aiming to prepare students for leadership roles in assuring the security of an organization's operations.

Also, CSBA is open for Bachelor- and Master-level theses covering different aspects of Business Analytics, with the first set of students starting their Master theses under the supervision of CSBA directors

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