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Social Entrepreneurship CenterRSS

Social Entrepreneurship describes innovative entrepreneurial action which aims at solving social challenges.

These actions could be initiated in the form of a new business (start-up) or in the context of existing organisations (social intrapreneurship). The legal structure can vary: some social enterprises are established as an association, others as a company with limited liability. This decision process is guided by potential societal benefits of either legal structure.

Ivan Krastev Is it tomorrow yet

How the pandemic changes Europe – NGO Academy Keynote with Ivan Krastev

What are the consequences of the pandemic that will set the course of the world in the coming years? Paradoxes that COVID-19 has brought to light regarding globalization include international…

[Translate to English:] Professional Master Social Innovation and Management

Starting in October 2021: The new Professional Master Social Innovation & Management at WU Executive Academy (part-time)

This new Professional Master Social Innovation & Management (PM SIM) is designed to accelerate the understanding of the current core dimensions of social innovation and management. It empowers…

[Translate to English:] Auswirkungen von COVID19 auf den NPO Sektor

Publication of the study "Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social infrastructure in Austria

Yesterday, the study carried out by the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship Center on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and…

[Translate to English:] Erasmus+ Projekt

Launch of Erasmus+ project exploring the internationalization of social entrepreneurs

The Social Entrepreneurship Center is part of the international project consortium of the project „Enabling Social Entrepreneurs to Scale their Impact Internationally“.

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

Selma Sprajcer nominated as senior researcher

We are pleased that Selma Sprajcer has been nominated as senior researcher. Selma has been researching in the field of people with disabilities for 10 years now. She has acquired extensive expertise…

[Translate to English:] SIA Gründer Peter Vandor

Congratulations! Peter Vandor is "Sustainable Designer 2020"!

On November 24th the "sustainable designers 2020" were awarded by the Austrian magazine BUSINESSART and the CRS-Circle.

[Translate to English:] E-Graduation SIMPro 2020

E-Graduation: Congratulations to all Social Innovation Management Programme participants!

Last week the third and final module of this year's NGO Academy Social Innovation and Management Programme came to an end. While we were able to carry out the first module in March here in Vienna the…

[Translate to English:] Inside Impact - Organizational Resilience

Podcast Inside Impact - Focus Organizational Resilience

The "Corona crisis" has posed immense challenges for many social enterprises, as well as nonprofit organizations. While there is much talk in the public discourse about the consequences of the…

[Translate to English:] FFG Programm Impact Innovation

Good News: FFG funding program Impact Innovation is now available for large organizations!

The Impact Innovation funding program of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) now supports social innovation even more broadly: Since October 1st, 2020, large organizations can also submit and…

WU Logo as fallback image for news article.

Out now: The Global Impact Report 2020

As in previous years, the Social Entrepreneurship Center of the Vienna University of Economics and Business in cooperation with Impact Hub GmbH collected and analyzed the data for the annual report in…