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Social Entrepreneurship CenterRSS

Social Entrepreneurship describes innovative entrepreneurial action which aims at solving social challenges.

These actions could be initiated in the form of a new business (start-up) or in the context of existing organisations (social intrapreneurship). The legal structure can vary: some social enterprises are established as an association, others as a company with limited liability. This decision process is guided by potential societal benefits of either legal structure.

[Translate to English:] ASEM 2021/22

Austrian Social Enterprise Monitor 2021/2022 is now published!

Austria's social enterprises pursue social and environmental goals through entrepreneurship and develop new solutions in the areas of health, poverty among the elderly, labour market integration,…

[Translate to English:] NGO Academy Keynote on Doughnut Economics

The NGO Academy invites you to an online keynote on Doughnut Economics!

Kate Raworth and Leonora Grcheva talk about the shape of progress, how the Doughnut Economy works and how it can be implemented in cities and communities.

[Translate to English:] Foto von der Konferenz

Looking back: Interreg SIV Policy & Practice Conference

What role can private donors play in the fight against unemployment? This question was the focus of the Policy & Practice Conference at WU Vienna on May 03, 2022. The conference marked the conclusion…

[Translate to English:] Titelbild Professional Master SIM

Second run: WU Professional Master Social Innovation & Management

The WU Executive Academy offers a Professional Master in Social Innovation & Management in cooperation with the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship at the Vienna…

[Translate to English:] Peter Vandor

Social Entrepreneurs and Burnout - Peter Vandor in a podcast from Deutschlandfunk

Social entrepreneurs have a high standard: they want to make a social contribution with their business - and earn money with it. Per se, this is not an easy undertaking, and the global pandemic has…

[Translate to English:] PM SIM Modul I

Start of the new Professional Master Social Innovation and Management

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Professional Master Social Innovation & Management (PM SIM) program. This master's program represents a collaboration between the NGO Academy located at…

[Translate to English:] MAGENTA TUN 2022

Magenta TUN enters 10th round with 50,000 euros for sustainable projects

Until March 4, 2022, startups, companies, research institutions, non-profit organizations as well as private individuals can prove their visions and submit their projects to…

[Translate to English:] MEGA Academy

MEGA Academy kicks-off the second round

On January 19, 2022, MEGA Academy started its second round with a Kick-Off and Leadership Circle. With the Leadership & Scaling Program of MEGA Academy, the MEGA Bildungsstiftung supports the…

[Translate to English:] Scaling

SEWF Academic Forum 2021: Findings on Social Enterprise Internationalisation

Magdalena Winkler and Martin Mehrwald presented selected findings on the topic at the SEWF Academic Forum 2021.

[Translate to English:] Rob Reich Keynote

NGO Academy Keynote with Prof. Rob Reich: The Promise and Peril of Philanthropy in an Age of Growing Inequality

When the world’s wealthiest man at the turn of the 19th century – John D. Rockefeller – sought to create a gargantuan foundation bearing his name, he was showered with public scorn and criticism by…