Project Title | DISADIST-ABM: Modeling the distributional and geographical impacts of climate-induced disasters |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The Challenge:Natural disasters do not affect all populations uniformly. Economic vulnerabilities are geographically and demographically concentrated, yet traditional research methods have struggled to capture these nuanced distributional effects. Our project aims to address this critical knowledge gap. Methodology:Leveraging advanced computational modeling techniques, we will:
Contributions:Our approach will:
| Climate change is transforming natural disaster risks, creating increasingly complex challenges for vulnerable communities. Our research project seeks to develop a sophisticated analytical approach that reveals how different socioeconomic groups experience the economic impacts of climate-related events.
Duration | 02/2025-01/2028 |
Funding Agency | FWF Principal Investigator Project |
External Partners | CENTAI (CENTer for Artificial Intelligence) – Turin, ItalyUniversity College London (UCL), United Kingdom |
Contact | | Anton Pichler,
Project Title | CREATE_AT- Circular business models and supporting policies for timber supply chains in the Austrian construction industry |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The goal of the project is to identify the potential of innovative circular business models for timber as a construction material and to provide policy recommendations for a sustainable transformation of the Austrian construction sector in line with the goals of a circular economy. To address our aim, the project will adopt a multi-method approach integrating insights from empirical investigations, game theory and system dynamics models. We will quantitatively study the possible trade-offs for different policies and scenarios. To provide a holistic view, policies will be compared based on key performance indicators that are derived based on a thorough analysis of the SDGs. |
Duration | 09/2024-08/2027 |
Funding Agency | FFG - Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) – 16th Call |
External Partner | Fachhochschule St. Pölten |
Contact | Vera Hemmelmayr Tina Wakolbinger | Lena Silbermayr
Project Title | Sustainable Urban Deliveries |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | In this project, we are considering the potential of novel, green urban delivery concepts. These concepts are typically based on two-echelon delivery approaches where synchronization between larger vehicles and smaller (green) modes of transport is necessary to transfer goods. The green transport modes we plan to take into consideration are cargo-bikes, walking couriers as well as electric robots. The objective of this project is to develop a scientific frame allowing to address decision making problems on strategical, tactical, and operational levels for deploying sustainable distribution modes in a multi-echelon setting. The overarching goal is to show that deliveries can be carried out by carbon neutral and less harmful modes of transport in an urban setting, while remaining economically viable and fulfilling the needs of the citizens. |
Duration | 2024-2028 |
Funding Agency | FWF |
Contact | Hai Yen Luu Jakob Puchinger | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project Title | Improving the performance of railway systems by using real-time algorithms in disruption management |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The project deals with improving the performance of railway systems by developing real-time algorithms for disruption management. Due to disruptions, the timetable, the rolling stock circulation plan and the crew schedule have to be changed. In contrast to the problems in the planning phase, short runtimes of the algorithms are essential, since decisions have to be made in real-time. In the course of the digital transformation, the disruption management process relies on algorithmic decision support. We will compare the use of optimization algorithms to the current manual planning to investigate the effect of digital transformation of disruption management on the performance of the railway system. |
Duration | 11/23 - 4/27 |
Funding Agency | OeNB Jubiläumsfonds |
Contact | Roberto Rosati Cacchiani | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project Title | Sustainability initiatives in urban freight transportation in Europe |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of the project is to review recent sustainability initiatives in urban freight transport in Europe. In the context of this project, we define as "initiative" any action taken by a public or private entity with the aim of improving the sustainability of freight transportation in the city, be it economic, environmental or social sustainability. The aim is to collect the most recent initiatives, analyze and categorize them. We will assess the applicability and benefits of these initiatives and come up with recommendations for the city of Vienna. |
Duration | 8/2022-06/2023 |
Funding Agency | Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Contact | Fabien Tricoire Belma Turan Kristian Galambos Alexa Hernandez | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project Title | Electric scooters in the city of Vienna: Assessing the problems and need for optimization in handling the e-scooter fleets on the streets in Vienna |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of this project is to investigate how the Austrian market of rental e-scooters has developed since the rental companies introduced the e-scooters in late 2018. Furthermore, we want to investigate what are the chances and challenges of using e-scooters compared to the other modes of transport in the city of Vienna. The goal is to identify the problems and potentials for optimization within e-scooter companies, such as the problems of scooter collection from the streets and their re-charging. Additionally, we want to determine the problems and risks that e-scooters impose on the city of Vienna. |
Duration | 10/2021-03/2022 |
Funding Agency | Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Contact | Belma Turan | Tina Wakolbinger
Project Title | INNS’PAKET |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of the project is to create an economically efficient, effective and sustainable transport logistics system for the central Tyrol area, not only for the inner-city area of Innsbruck, through cooperation between business, research and administration. |
Duration | 04/2020-09/2021 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | Xvise innovative logistics GmbH Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung WU Wien Institut für Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht | Universität Innsbruck
Link | INNS'PAKET ( |
Contact | Vera Hemmelmayr | Belma Turan
Project Title | MUKE - Meta-Untersuchung kritischer Erfolgsfaktoren von Lösungen im Bereich Güterverkehr und Transportlogistik |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of the project is to identify crucial barriers for innovation implementation by analyzing finalized, non-implemented projects. Based on these findings recommendations for action and solution approaches are developed in order to create more suitable legal framework conditions and increased acceptance through mind-set and awareness building for the implementation of innovations |
Duration | 03/2020-02/2021 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | Österreichisches und Europäisches Öffentliches Recht | tbw research GesmbH - Osterreich, WU Wien Institut für
Link | MUKE ( |
Contact | Belma Turan | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project Title | Rail Backbone PI |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The Physical Internet and synchromodality are concepts that should make future transport more efficient and climate-friendly. In these concepts, flexibility in planning is of utmost importance. On the other hand, the planning of the freight wagon portfolio and the associated equipment at railway companies is an extremely complex matter, in which planning decisions usually have to be made years in advance. The goal of the project is to advance the anticipative wagon fleet planning and to develop models that make capacity planning faster, easier and more flexible. To this end an integrated planning system for optimal wagon fleet planning under uncertainty is developed. |
Duration | 01/2019- 04/2021 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | Rail Cargo Austria AG (RCA) craftworks GmbH (CW) | Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH (FhA)
Link | Backbone PI: Rail ( |
Contact | Martin Hrusovsky Tina Wakolbinger | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project title | MiHu - Analyse von Kooperationsmöglichkeiten für urbane Midi-Hubs |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The project is dedicated to the selection of locations as well as the analysis of operations and cooperation opportunities within a cooperative midi-hub. Based on a generic AHP model, an assessment framework for potentially suitable locations for a midi-hub within a city is worked out and tested for Vienna. Area management, layout planning, multi-use options within the midi-hub, and changes in traffic through the midi-hub are explored in a cross-stakeholder approach through the integration of an agent-based simulation and optimization model. Recommendations for cooperative midi-hub are given. |
Duration | 09/2018 - 08/2020 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | Boku Wien – Institute of Production and LogisticsAustrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMORMA18 der Stadt WienLogisticNetwork Consultants GmbH |
Link | MiHu ( |
Contact | Vera Hemmelmayr | Alexandra Anderluh
Project title | KoopHubs - Konzeption eines nachhaltigen, kooperativen, zweistufigen Distributionssystems für Kleinsendungen in der Stadt Wien |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management | Institute for Transport and Logistics Management
Description | The aim of the project is the development of a city-wide, two-stage logistics concept with micro-hubs, "Grätzl"-hubs and City Distribution Centers for the distribution of urban small consignments through cross-industry business co-operations. Sustainable urban development can hereby be improved by enriching the micro-hubs with additional social functions, thereby counteracting problems in urban land use and exploitation. In the inner-city area, the dynamic use of cargo bikes for the last mile should be carried out, with a sensible complement of low-emission trucks. In addition, optimized cooperation and operator models for the hubs will be determined, as well as a functional verification with real data using the example of the City of Vienna. |
Duration | 08/2018 - 01/2021 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHAustrian Postgredata IT-Solutions e.U.Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMORTPA European & Technology Consultants GmbHGoodville Mobility OG |
Link | KoopHubs ( |
Contact | Tina Wakolbinger Sebastian Kummer David Martin Herold | Alexandra Anderluh
Project title | Stadtlogistik 2030+ |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of the project is to create an origin-destination-model of freight traffic flows of selected sectors in the City of Vienna. Based on this model certain measures can be evaluated for their suitability with regard to emission reduction, quality of supply/disposal and economic efficiency. Specifically, the shift to low emission / non-emission vehicles, multimodal transport incorporating, for example subways, trams or the Danube canal, as well as the use of consolidation centers is taken into account. |
Duration | 08/2018 - 07/2019 |
Funding Agency | Wirtschaftskammer Wien |
Contact | Tina Wakolbinger | Alexandra Anderluh
Project title | Mikrodepots in Wien |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The aim of the project is to assess and evaluate potential locations for micro-depots as warehousing and reloading points in the City of Vienna in order to support and accelerate the use of cargo bikes as emission-free delivery vehicles in inner-city freight delivery. |
Duration | 12/2017 – 07/2018 |
Funding Agency | Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Contact | Vera Hemmelmayr | Alexandra Anderluh
Download | Final Report |
Projekt title | Virtual Logistics Service Provider |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Duration | until 07/2017 |
Funding Agency | FFG |
External Partners | Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH |
Contact | Alfred Taudes | Tina Wakolbinger
Project title | Outsourcing Humanitarian Logistics Activities to Commercial Logistics Providers: Optimal Pricing Policies and Contracts Design |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Descritpion | The objective of this research project is to determine which logistics activities of humanitarian disaster relief organizations could be outsourced to commercial logistics providers and which contract designs and pricing policies can make sure that these outsourcing activities are beneficial for humanitarian aid agencies as well as commercial ligistics Providers. |
Duration | Summer 2014 - Winter 2018 |
Funding Agency | FWF Austrian Science Fund |
Contact | Ioanna Falagara Sigala Timo Goßler | Tina Wakolbinger
Project title | COONCOORD Consolidation and Coordination in Urban Areas |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | The project focuses on the important area of city logistics. It investigates an integrated urban freight simulation environment, a unique measurement framework for the environmental footprint of transport and logistics, and the performance measurement of new innovative urban transport and logistics concepts. The fundamental idea is to stop considering each shipment, actor and vehicle in isolation, but as components of an integrated logistics system to be optimized. The keywords are CONsolidation and COORDination (CONCOORD) of the urban distribution flows that are currently fragmented. |
Duration | 05/2013 - 12/2016 |
External partner | Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Technical University Denmark, Middle East Technical University, Proctor and Gamble, DINALOG, Binnenstadtservice |
Funding Agency | FFG, Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe |
Contact | Alexandra Anderluh Tina Wakolbinger | Vera Hemmelmayr
Project title | Analyse der Machbarkeit und wirtschaftliche Beurteilung von güterspezifischen verkehrspolitischen Maßnahmen zur Verlagerung von der Straße auf die Schiene auf der Brennerachse |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | Die Umweltproblematik des Straßengütervekehrs wird an den Alpenübergängen deutlich sichtbar. Das im Rahmen des Alpenraumprgramms der EU gefördert Projekt "TRANSITECTS 3" beschäftigt sich mit dieser Thematik und forscht nach Lösungen für eine nachhaltigere Gestaltung der Verkehre in den sensiblen alpinen Regionen. |
Duration | 04/2010 - 11/2011 |
External partner | Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie, Abteilung Kombinierter Verkehr 1/K4, Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Verkehrsplanung |
Contact | Sandra Eitler Richard Kerschner Andrea Wittmann | Sebastian Kummer
Project title | Research Project: The Future of Procurement: Acquisition Trends |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Despcription | Procurement, or the purchasing of goods and services, is a challenging and complex field: Not only should the appropriate goods and services be procured at the best possible cost, they must also meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality, quantity,, timing, and location. an empirical sutdy conducted at WU´s Research Institute for Supply Chain Management investigated the most important purchasing trends up to the year 2020. |
Duration | 03/2010-06/2010 |
External partner | Spring Procurement |
Contact | Sandra Eitler | Sebastian Kummer
Project title | MIT Forums Supply Chain Management Innovation |
Function | Function im wissenschaftlichen Gremium, Director der Europäischen Sektion Supply Chain Innovation |
Duration | 2006-2011 |
External partner | Jammernegg, Taudes, Fischer, Institut für Transportwirtschaft und Logistik, (Kooperationsinstitut) |
Contact | | Sebastian Kummer
Project title | Einsatz von Lastenfahrrädern zu innerstädtischen Güterlieferung – ein Städtevergleich und Best Practice Empfehlungen für die Stadt Wien |
Institute | Research Institute for Supply Chain Management |
Description | A main goal of the smart city strategy of the City of Vienna is to decrease the number of fossil-fueled vehicles within the city. This can be reached by using cargo bikes for freight transport in urban areas. Although cycling per se enjoys increasing popularity in Vienna, the number of cargo bikes used for commercial transport is still low. This project compares the situation for the commercial use of cargo bikes in Vienna with the respective situation in Budapest, Munich and Copenhagen based on a literature review as well as on expert interviews. Subsequently, the results are transformed into recommendations for measures appropriate to increase the number of commercially used cargo bikes in the City of Vienna. |
Duration | 05/2016-10/2016 |
Funding Agency | Jubiläumsfond der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Contact | Vera Hemmelmayr Tina Wakolbinger | Alexandra Anderluh
Download | Final Report |